We are living in the age of social media. It is common for people to share their food experiences on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, which means that new trends are coming out every day. One trend that has been popular for a while now is air fryers. Air fryers are different to traditional deep-fat fryers because they use hot air rather than oil to cook your food. They can be used for many kinds of foods and not just chips. Air frying is much healthier for you, too, as it doesn't require any extra oil or butter, so you know exactly what's going into your meal. This article will explore why all the hype around air fryers.
The difference between an air fryer and a traditional deep-fat fryer
The fundamental difference between a traditional chip shop style deep fat fryer can be explained by the use of the words 'air' and 'deep'. A deep fat fryer involves heating the oil to a hot temperature and plunging your foot of choice into the hot fat. On the other hand, an air fryer cooks your food using hot air, which can be as high as 200C. This makes the whole process much healthier because you don't have to add any extra oil or butter to the cooking process.
What you can use an air fryer for and why they are a healthier alternative
An air fryer is great for many different types of food. Sure, you have your traditional fried food, but you can use an air fryer for many other types of cuisine. Some people even use their air fryers for desserts such as doughnuts and brownies, which can be cooked in just five minutes. Air frying is a much healthier alternative simply because you use much less saturated fat to cook your food.
The ultimate benefit of an air fryer
Unlike the deep fat frying alternative, the real difference with an air fryer is that it also bakes and roasts. Air fryers cook food at a high temperature and evenly, which means that you can use an air fryer to cook the food you would ordinarily cook in an oven and, as such, will use less energy.
Indian food heaven
If Indian food is your favourite but you're health-conscious, then an air fryer could be just for you. Those delicious pakoras, samosas and bhajis typically come laced with saturated fat. Why? Well, they're deep-fried to within an inch of their lives. Those usual Indian street food snacks, which normally come with a big guilt price tag in terms of calorific content, now come in a lot healthier.
Why all the hype?
All in all, air fryers are great because they allow you to cook your food with less oil and fat, which is better for your waistline. They also come with some fantastic features such as built-in timers and digital displays along with an auto shut-off function if there happens to be a power cut. And if you're looking for a great selection of air fryers be sure t