Plans for a provincial baby shower for Makhosazana “MaShelembe” Shelembe have been scrapped.
The baby shower, organised by social justice activist Ncumisa Ndelu, was scheduled for Sunday at the Durban Botanic Gardens.
The idea for the baby shower came after MaShelembe was publicly humiliated in a recent episode of Mnakwethu by her fiancé, Bheki Langa.
Langa informed MaShelembe on national television that he had paid lobola for Hlengiwe “MaSithole” Sithole, who he intends on taking as a second wife.
MaShelembe’s shame touched women across the country, who decided to come together and arrange a baby shower for her.
However, Ndelu announced on social media on Monday that the provincial baby shower has been cancelled.
Ndelu said she was informed by MaShelembe on Friday that another baby shower was being planned to be hosted on the KZN North Coast. “On Friday afternoon she informed me that another baby shower was being planned, but reassured me that she would attend the Durban baby shower because I had approached her first. I proceeded with the plan. On Monday morning, I requested the name of a school closest to her to enable the driver to find her easily.
“At this point, she informed me that on Friday she will be travelling to Empangeni. I then asked how this was possible because we had agreed on the weekend and everything it entailed,” said Ndelu.
“Makhosi is pregnant, I did not and do not want to be the cause or part of the cause of undue emotional or physical stress to her by putting her in an uncomfortable position."
Ncumisa Ndelu, social justice activist
She added that she was asked by MaShelembe whether she had spoken to the lady who was organising the baby shower for Saturday.
Ndelu said when speaking to the organiser of the baby shower to be held north of the province, it was made clear that the plans cannot be cancelled.
She added she then came to the decision to cancel the provincial baby shower.
“Makhosi is pregnant, I did not and do not want to be the cause or part of the cause of undue emotional or physical stress to her by putting her in an uncomfortable position.
“Although I was the first to come up with the idea, I spoke to the other organiser hoping we could reach an agreement that could accommodate both plans. But this did not happen and to avoid any conflict or perception of conflict, I decided to withdraw from the situation,” said Ndelu.
Attempts to get hold of MaShelembe on Tuesday had not been successful at the timof publication.
Meanwhile, the organiser of the other baby shower, Nomfundo Mathonsi, took to social media to address the cancellation of the provincial baby shower.
Mathonsi confirmed that she had already heard about the provincial baby shower before organising the one to be held in Richards Bay.
"Yes, I knew about the other baby shower but I did not know who was organising it,”
Nomfundo Mathonsi, Organiser of the baby shower
She said she was approached by a Richard’s Bay mother who suggested that they must do something for MaShelembe.
“I then asked MaShelembe and she said there was no problem we can host it. Yes, I knew about the other baby shower but I did not know who was organising it,” she said, adding that she did not see the need for the provincial baby shower to be cancelled.
She added that she believes this can still be resolved by doing one event that will “make MaShelembe happy, and not anyone else”.
Mathonsi said the baby shower they organised will happen in Richards Bay on Saturday.
However, Ndelu told The Witness that she will inform the publication should anything change regarding the cancelled baby shower.
She said Ntsike Magwaza of Mrs Hairfidence had generously allowed them to use her business to drop off gifts for those who would not be available for the drive-through gift drop-off and baby shower on Sunday.
“This need not stop. Gifts can still be dropped off at 494 Lilian Ngoyi Road, Morningside in Durban,” she said, adding that she will find another good Samaritan to transport the gifts to Nquthu where MaShelembe lives.