It seems Lerumo and Javas have failed again to do their job as they have been investing a lot of cases while Boniswa continued to kill people. Who would have thought that Grace and Xolile would finally figure out what Boniswa and bring justice with their own hands. Lerumo has been investigating with no clue and Boniswa figure out the truth in no time. Viewers were starting to get tired of Boniswa's plots and they wanted her to get caught, some even said that before she dies let her have 2 weeks of suffering, after all, she brought more pain to a lot of people and it's her time to suffer. Romeo suffered for months before dying and viewers want the same fate for Boniswa as they feel that a quick death is not for her considering all the bad deeds and all the people she killed.

I have never seen Police in any Soapie doing something good it's like all the Soapie writers want to make Police officers look dump and the bad guy good, more especially Uzalo Takes the Cup with silly officers imagine Nyawo investigating a serious case. Lerumo went back to being police as if he was good at it, all these police officers in these soapies never cracked anything I don't understand why do they have to play the characters in the first place. After Grace kills Boniswa they will arrest her, but failed to arrest Boniswa. These two cops shouldn't forget that he also shot "dumela Seipati" and we forgave him and he never got arrested, so because of that reason he better live Grace alone.

Their investigations are so lousy his could they have allowed Boniswa to do the money drop off allow without any cop following her, this shows how not serious they are not about bringing justice and Grace had to do that for them. That's how police work because they always think they are two steps ahead, but they are two steps behind. Although she wasn't liked by many Boniswa has a vibe she's the reason why many watch Scandal, I wonder what's going to happen when she dies.
Funny how Boniswa came in as this sweet lady while Yvonne was the evil one, now that Boniswa's evilness has gone through the roof it makes Yvonne look like an angel. Those who are complaining about officers never making any arrest, in any case, we know how SAPS fail us every time, the difference is that at least in soapies they take their cases serious.