Mzansi Magic has confirmed the exit of actor, Mzikayise Makroti, who played the character of Fistos on the channel’s weeknight drama series, DiepCity.
Mzansi Magic took to Twitter on Tuesday, 3 August 2021, to confirm the departure of Mzikayise Makroti from the cast of DiepCity. Makroti played the contentious character of Fistos in the world of the story. Fistos was the abusive and volatile boyfriend of lead character, Sne, played by Nompumelelo Vilakazi.
His exit came as a surprise to viewers, considering that Fistos had just returned.
His exit was marked with drama and suggestions that his murder will continue to propel the story of the so-called The Wrong Turns further into chaos. This is as Sne is behind his murder. Moreover, The Wrong Turns were all present during the time that Sne dealt him the fatal shot. Fans have indicated that they believe that Kgaogelo Monama’s character, Lerato, might have left an earring which will link The Wrong Turns to the murder.
The upcoming episode will begin to allude to the trajectory the storyline is set to take henceforth. DiepCity airs weeknights on Mzansi Magic, DStv channel 161, at 20:30.
See the post below.