A few weeks ago, the estranged husband of Somizi Mhlingo made headling after his unreleased interview got leaked on Twitter. In this interview, Mohale reveals all the ups and downs he encountered during their marriage with the South African radio, and television host, Somizi Mhlingo who is also known as Somgaga.
Mohale went on to reveal that Somizi was abusing him physically and emotionally and for that reason, the employers of Somizi have decided to suspend Somizi until further notice. On the other Side, Mohale keeps posting pictures of him exploring provinces and touring. Earlier today, Mohale posted a picture of himself in clothes that look like newspapers "Front-page" captioned Mohale.
And now Twitter is roasting him over his outfit that looks like papers. Twitter users are jokingly asking Mohale If he is wearing the divorce papers "Are those divorce papers?" Mockingly asked a Twitter user. "Mohale is wearing divorce papers" jokingly said another Twitter user.