Black Brain Pictures has confirmed the casting of the acclaimed actress, Zikhona Sodlaka as Detective Cebekhulu on the popular weeknight telenovela, DiepCity.
Black Brain Pictures took to Instagram on Sunday, 8 August 2021, to confirm the casting of veteran actress, Zikhona Sondlaka on DiepCity. This marks Sodlaka’s return to television from mainly focusing on films and theatre, following her departure from Generations along with the original cast members. This role marks her return to weeknight television. The star confirmed her feature with several posts, including the most recent one which saw her and the female cast of the show dancing in celebration of National Women’s Day.
According to Black Brain Pictures, “The twists and turns are about to get wilder! Is she going to be a big challenge for Mgedeza and Ama Wrongturn? Or does she have her own agenda?” Going on to add, “All we can say for now is that it’s going to get spicy!”
Sodlaka made her debut appearance on Monday, 9 August 2021. Moreover, the rest of the week will continue to nuance the character. DiepCity airs weeknights on Mzansi Magic, DStv channel 161, at 20:30.
See the post below.