Anxiety can affect dogs, just like it does people. It is a common condition that affects all breeds of dogs. However, how each dog reacts to it may vary depending on age, health, and factors causing anxiety. Whatever the case, it is vital to deal with dog anxiety on time, or it may lead to unpleasant behavioural issues and other problems.
There are a range of solutions, from music therapy and exercise to using the
best CBD for dog anxiety. However, before treating a dog for excessive anxiety, it is prudent to seek veterinarian consultation to understand the causes and possible triggers. This can help prevent stress and not just treat it.
Following are some great ways to alleviate anxiety in dogs.
1. Touch or massage
Anxiety in canines can manifest in the form of whining, barking, whimpering, or shivering, among other things. Once you learn how it shows in your dog, you can immediately alleviate the problem by holding your dog. A long cuddling session can work wonders to calm your dog.
Alternatively, you can try massaging your dog as well. Begin at the neck and work your way downward. You can do this with one hand while using the other to hold or pet your dog. Over time, you will identify tense muscles and other areas where your dog retains the stress and massage them out gently.
2. Change in routine
Some dogs will start barking incessantly around the time their owner is about to leave for work. This is called separation anxiety - the fear of being away for extended periods from owners.
It is crucial to train dogs to be by themselves, or they may go on a destructive spree when left home alone. For this training, establish a daily routine wherein your dog knows when he will get food when it’s time for a walk, and other tasks during the day. This will keep him better prepared to handle the inevitable daily separation.
3. Best CBD for dog anxiety
CBD oil is a cannabinoid extract from the cannabis plant. Also found naturally in hemp plants, it is known for its medicinal properties. CBD is void of psychoactive properties and, therefore, is not a sedative.
Instead, it works via a complex network of receptors in the brain. It slows down the electrical activity in the nervous system and brain to inhibit the effects of stress hormones. This enables tense muscles to relax.
Sometimes, a highly anxious dog can lash out and bite the owners. A
study conducted on dogs in a shelter home showed that CBD could reduce aggression in dogs.
4. Exercise
While routine exercise can help people stay in shape and keep them happier, it can have the same effect on dogs. For example, anxiety can create high levels of nervous energy in dogs. Taking them out for a run or playing other sports can help them calm down by burning this energy off.
5. Monitored isolation
Anxiety is not bad behaviour
per se. But it can lead a dog toward it. So if your dog is acting out violently because of an anxiety outburst, it might help to give him a time-out.This isn’t essentially a punishment. It is just a zone your dog can be put in to help him calm down. This personal space can have soft music, a dim light, and aromatherapy, among other calming things, to alleviate your dog’s frayed nerves.