The question is important because we are living amidst the Coronavirus pandemic. COVID-19 has changed our activities and routines on a major level. Group activities and lessons like swimming have come under the radar as being anti-social distancing.
However, a lot of this saying no to swimming and similar activities that are beneficial for kids is grounded on hearsay. In other words, when subject experts weigh in on the chances of contracting the infection during swimming, important details come to the surface.
In this article, we speak to leading medical and health experts. We ask them one important question- should you send your kids swimming during COVID-19? If you are a parent that has been asking yourself this question, read till the end of the article.
Swimming is a great life survival activity that everyone should know. Parents should encourage kids to learn how to swim at a very young age. This can also become an activity for the entire family. Many doctors and experts weigh in and state that swimming allows for muscle and bone development in children.
It can help them grow physically as well as mentally. Just like cycling, swimming can become a lifestyle exercise for them when they grow up. It allows for the work out of the entire body and keeps an individual maintain their Blood Pressure, Sugar, Cholesterol, and more.
Being a group activity, swimming can help in positive interactions with other kids. Doctors encourage parents to push kids towards developing an interest in outdoor activities. Swimming not only has a lot of health benefits but allows for the overall development of an individual.
In this section, we are going to list down five reasons why swimming lessons should not be stopped during COVID-19-
The best swimming lesson pools like Swimhub follow all the safety and security protocols for COVID-19. This includes regular sanitization of all common areas and touchpoints. The good pools have also created staggering routines to ensure that there is no overcrowding in terms of lessons. All these factors ensure that there are zero chances of contracting the virus.
It is essential that parents train their kids to maintain their own personal safety. This means avoiding the bathrooms, using their own sunscreen, not sharing towels, not speaking with one another without their masks on. These small steps can allow them to be safe whenever they are visiting the pools for swimming lessons.
Swimming pools already use chlorine and bromine for disinfecting. Additionally, they make sure that the water is removed and fresh water is added at regular intervals. Most scientific experts have stated how Coronavirus cannot be transmissible by water. This means that the danger of the virus spreading through water is not true.
Most pools are now encouraging people to report their illnesses. For example, if someone even has a common cold or the flu due to weather changes, they can inform the pool and reschedule their classes. They do not need to fear that they would be losing out on classes. This is something that is productive and allows individuals to not suffer because of illnesses.
Pools know that even one infection can cost them to completely close down. Governments are very tough on these institutions. This is why the best pools have put up temperature checks, sanitization facilities, and mask-wearing when not in the pool. This is done seriously and proper steps are taken when someone is not complying with the same.
Kids should not be robbed of enjoying the pleasures of swimming during the hot summers. As a parent, you need to check whether the swimming pool is adhering to the above-mentioned guidelines or not. If they are, you do not have to worry about the safety or well-being of their children.