Actor Spaces mourned the untimely passing of seasoned actor Mutodi Neshehe, following the release of the confirmation post by his family.
Actor Spaces took to Instagram on Friday, 2 July 2021, to mourn the passing of Mutodi Neshehe. Neshehe passed away at the age of 46 years old. News of the actor’s passing began circulating in the late evening of Thursday, 1 July 2021. The news was later confirmed with a formal confirmation post by his family. The actor’s cause of death was not detailed in the confirmation post.
Muvhango Teasers July 2021 - Marang's fake pregnancyThe post read, “With great sadness, we announce the passing of Mutodi Neshehe on 01/July/2021 he was a brother, uncle, father, role model and actor, he will be greatly missed by his family and friends.” Mutodi is reportedly survived by his two daughters.
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See the post below.