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Everything You Need To Know About Sand Control Screens: Types, Costs And Applications

Sand Control Screens:

Are you thinking about a sand control screen? Are you searching for more information about it before you make a purchase? Here, in this article, I will guide you with the basic information about sand control screens. 

What Is A Sand Control Screen?

It is a device, which is used for preventing impurities, like sand and asrocks, from getting into the wellbore. As a Completion Products, for applications involving water, steam production, gas, or, or any other product activity, which is located deep underground, sand control screens are a must. 

Application Of Sand Control Screens

Either as a result of the dragging force from the injection of the fluids or dragging force, sand can be produced. Just the same way, mechanical failure close to the wellbore is another very common reason for sand production. 

Just by installing sand control screens, you will be able to eliminate the negative effects of sand along with the potential damage that it can cause to your system. In order to capture sand particles, you need to insert the sand control screens on the bore that are drilled deep below the surface. And after that, you can expect only very fine particles. 

It plays the role of a separator, which removes sand particles from the process fluid. 

Types Of Sand Control Screens

There is a wide range of sand control screens available in the market. And you can choose any one of them. Once you are done with analyzing the formation of sand in a specific wellbore, you can choose a particular type of sand control screen. 

Here are the most common types of sand control screens. 

Standalone Screen

Initially, these types of screens will let the fine sand and silt pass through. After some time, around the screen, sand packs form and make it act like filtration media. And it prevents coarse and fine sand from entering into the wellbore. 

Slotted Liner

This is the oldest, most common, and cheapest sand control screen. These types of screens are designed with an average flow area of 3% and 6% of the total area of the pipe. You can select either straight or keystone slots. Keystones can self-flush, so it is a better choice. 

Wire-Wrapped Screens

In this type of screen, a wire-wrapped jacket is welded around a perforated pipe. There are three types of wire-wrapped perforated screens, and they are as follows.

  • Rod-based screens.
  • Pipe-based slip-on and.
  • Pipe-bases direct build screen.

Pre-packed Screens

This type of sand control screen includes gravel pack, support rib, base pipe, inner and puter screen jacket. It is a modified version of the previous sand control screen. When the sand particles are getting filtered, the packed gravel helps to stabilize the borehole. 

Metal Mesh Sand Screen

You can get both single and multiple-layered sintered laminate here. The opening ratings vary from 40 to 1000 microns. Here are the benefits of a metal mesh sand screen.

  • Controlled pore sizes.
  • Reusable.
  • Lightweight.
  • A high degree of flexibility and strength.
  • Higher flow area.
  • Reduced pressure drop.

Wedge Wire Screens

In the water, gas, and oil industries, this sand control filter is commonly used. The structure wires develop V shape profiles, which are welded into a support rib. You can expect superior strength and great slot tolerance. As a result of the continuous slot placement, it offers higher production and no clogging. 

Some More Common Types Of Sand Control Screens

Apart from the above, here are some more rages of sand control screens.  

  • Premium Screens.
  • Expandable And Control Screens.
  • Gravel Pack And Frack pack.


So, these are all that you need to know about sand control screens. You can choose any of these as per your budget. The cost of these screens varies on the type of screen and what features it has to offer you. 

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