It was ripped from S3 in April after only two episodes and now it's suddenly proving handy to the channel as a replacement for trash-fest The Bay.
The final episode of The Bay airs on Thursday 1 July and The Red Room replaces it the day after, with new episodes weeknights at 19h30 after The Estate.
If you missed the memo on what it's about, tap yourself here: Step into SABC3's The Red Room

Here's a reload of the teasers with the new dates:
Friday 2 July 2021
Episode 1
Nur is shocked when she sees her mother attempting suicide. She takes her to Dr. Manolya’s clinic. At first, Meliha resists but then she agrees to open her heart to the therapist. It seems that she had a big trauma in the past.
We meet another client of Dr. Manolya. Hakan he is there for a couple’s therapy, and he seems to have difficulty in anger management.
Monday 5 July 2021
Episode 2
Mehmet’s session starts without his wife. His actions and attitude give Dr. Manolya an impression that he is paranoid. We also learn that he is abusive. Meliha avoids talking about her mother. She is still not willing to talk about her traumatic past.
Tuesday 6 July 2021
Episode 3
Finally, Meliha shares her traumatic past to the doctor. She is afraid of being like her mother since her mother was a prostitute and it caused her father to be murdered. Moreover, her eldest sister, Güler was raped by her father’s murderers. But she feels relieved as she is pouring her heart out.
Wednesday 7 July 2021
Episode 4
We see how Nesrin and Mehmet’s relationship was at the beginning. Like most of abusive men, Mehmet is gentle, polite and holds her dear but turns into an abusive man in time as his jealousy grows.
Thursday 8 July 2021
Episode 5
Mehmet has become an abusive man due to his childhood traumas. He has been acting like his father just like Nesrin acts like her mother. They express their love for each other to the doctor. Mehmet agrees to receive therapy to change and save his marriage.
Friday 9 July 2021
Episode 6
Alya, a young lady comes to the clinic for therapy but they don’t make a good start. Alya tests Tuna’s and Dr. Manolya’s patience. The doctor is confused due to Alya’s strange actions and attitude. She doesn’t want to give her therapy, but Alya is determined to receive therapy from her.
Monday 12 July 2021
Episode 7
Mehmet is in the clinic for his first session. He talks with the doctor about his childhood and his family’s behaviour towards him. His mother is the reason why he doesn’t trust women. But his main problem, abusive behaviours, are taught to him by his father.
Tuesday 13 July 2021
Episode 8
Mehmet continues to face his childhood traumas. Meanwhile, Tuna is very resentful for not being reminded for her birthday. On the other hand, Meliha continues to shock the doctor with memories of her sorrowful life.
Wednesday 14 July 2021
Episode 9
As Meliha’s traumas are revealed, it gets harder to anticipate how she survived as a child. Her life and that of her siblings cause the doctor to admire Meliha’s power. While Meliha finds more courage to tell her inner traumas, the doctor is astonished by what she hears.
Thursday 15 July 2021
Episode 10
We open with Meliha continuing her story. She sadly tells her story and leaves. We see Tuna at her desk, heartbroken. Doctor calls and tells her to come to The Red Room. Tuna goes there and they talk.
Meanwhile, in the cafeteria everyone is gathered to celebrate Tuna’s birthday party. When the Doctor and Tuna come downstairs, florists start bringing the Doctor flowers from Alya for apology.
Friday 16 July 2021
Episode 11
Alya apologizes in her own way and convinces the doctor to give her therapy sessions. However, she is not willing to talk about herself. She tells the doctor what her problem is and asks for help with begging eyes. We will see how Dr. Manolya is handling this strange and wounded woman.
Monday 19 July 2021
Episode 12
To get a hold of Alya, Dr. Manolya starts to tell her stories that attracts her attention. It works and Alya tells a few things about her mother. Meliha is willing to tell the rest of her story unlike before. She tells how she struggled to take care of her siblings and how they survived after Güler left.
Tuesday 20 July 2021
Episode 13
Meliha tells of the days her eldest sister, Güler, sacrificed herself for them and was murdered by a man in a brothel. She cries over her death since she couldn’t cry and mourn in those days because she and her siblings had to stay strong to survive in Istanbul as children.
Wednesday 21 July 2021
Episode 14
Meliha talks to the Doctor about what makes her feel relaxed the most but Doctor thinks she needs to work on her marriage as well. Meliha tells the Doctor how her life is full of pain and troubles and she doesn't know how to focus on sweet things in her life. The Doctor points out the good things she achieved so far.
Thursday 22 July 2021
Episode 15
Mehmet and Nesrin are facing their own childhood traumas and realize how it affects their marriage. Mehmet regrets his actions while Nesrin is still struggling to overcome her fears caused by being applied violence for years. Meanwhile there is a health problem that troubles Dr. Manolya.
Friday 23 July 2021
Episode 16
Nesrin and Mehmet talk calmly in the doctor’s room. Nesrin expresses what she has been going through and how she has been feeling because of him. He realizes the emotional harm he has done to her. Now it’s up to them to make peace with themselves and each other.
The doctor continues telling stories to Alya to get a hold of her. Finally, Alya starts to talk about her family and the day she met her father.
Monday 26 July 2021
Episode 17
Alya continues telling her story. We see how much she felt lonely and unloved during her childhood. Nobody in the big mansion loved her. After her father comes out of jail, even he doesn’t take care of her. Alya is very upset about it and blames herself for it.
Meliha continues telling her story and we see her grief after her sister died even after all those years, she is still very sad about it.
Tuesday 27 July 2021
Episode 18
Meliha tells of her youth and how she married to Namik. It is not a love marriage, she got married just to marry. It’s just like she forbids herself love and happiness. They live together with Namik’s son, Necdet. Then she has two daughters with Namik but life brings another trauma to Meliha. Her elder daughter dies.
Wednesday 28 July 2021
Episode 19
Ahmet is remorseful for cheating on his wife and divorcing her for another woman. He asks for Piraye’s help to win his ex-wife back. Piraye asks him questions about his past to find out why he was drawn to Sibel.
Thursday 29 July 2021
Episode 20
We see Ahmet is very sad because of what he put his ex-wife through. Piraye tries to calm him down and assures him that they will fix those troubled thoughts together. Ahmet gets excited and seems open-minded about it.
Friday 30 July 2021
Episode 21
Alya continues to talk about her childhood. We see that her family’s attitude makes her feel that she is an unwanted and ugly child. And the endless conflicts between the family members make things harder for her.
After the session Meliha mentioned death of her younger daughter in a fire, Meliha looks very tired and sad.
Premiere episodes of The Red Room air on SABC3 from Mondays to Fridays at 19h30.