Inclusive web design means designing your website, web page, products, and services to be accessible to all. With ‘all,’ we mean your website visitors, including the ones who are differently-abled. An inclusive web page design ensures no group concerns are overlooked. And making your website accessible is a tactic to accomplish this.
But why do you need inclusivity in website design in the first place? Let’s see!
Why Should You Embrace Inclusivity In Website Design?
Google says that everyone should be able to access the web and are committed to making it a reality. This commitment from the world’s most-used search engine giant is enough to tell you the importance of website accessibility. But what if you find that people can’t access your website? And those who manage to visit the site are unable to navigate it.
Among this website, visitors might be people experiencing physical or mental disabilities. According to the World Bank, 1 billion people with disabilities worldwide, and millions struggle with severe conditions. If your website isn’t inclusive, it isn’t accessible to the impaired population. This means you might be missing out on their spending power.
Fortunately, many Clearwater web design agencies have started paying attention to this subject. They are looking for ways to include inclusivity in their web design and deliver better customer and client results. So, how do you make your WordPress website design inclusive?
How To Make Your Website Design Inclusive?
As already discussed, one tactic to make a web design inclusive is introducing accessibility in the design choices. Below are some ways to optimize your web design and development for inclusivity. You can contact
website design fort worth experts for more ideas on inclusive web design.
Keep A Clear Layout
No one likes a messy website design. Even if you are not designing your site for inclusivity, aim to provide visitors with a simple and straightforward experience. Ensure your website reflects the information clearly to encourage users to navigate the content.
Bonus Tip – Don’t overcrowd the website. Keep the design easy to use on the screen. It will reduce a lot of cognitive load.
Use Simple Language
All the visual elements on an inclusive WordPress web design should be simple and easy to understand. Avoid using complex jargon to reduce the unnecessary burden on people with reading issues. Think about the color and contrast of the words against the background you choose to make the fonts clear.
- Use consistent paragraph spacing.
- Bold or underline the links.
- Ensure proper line spacing.
- Write complete forms of the abbreviations wherever you use them.
- Structure the content logically.
Optimize The Website Design Colors
Light-grey letters on a white background will make the content difficult to read. So, think about the right color and contrast. Check if the design elements meet the color contrast ratios, i.e., {3:1 for charts, 3:1 for focus, 3:1 for clickable items} for supporting readability for visually impaired users.
Use Video And Audio Elements
Video and audio content embedded into your website is visual/auditory tools that provide helpful information about your brand. However, with audio and video alone, people with hearing disabilities will struggle to understand the content. For this, you can add captions or transcripts to the pre-recorded video.
This way, everyone can understand what’s going on. Furthermore, when you add transcripts to your client’s website page, you benefit them by improving SEO. So, it is a win-win situation!
To Sum Up
Inclusive website design focuses on improving the user experience for all groups of people and maximizing the potential audience you can earn. If you successfully deliver all your customers’ needs, it unlocks new opportunities. Check this site for more info