A severe car accident is not only a threat to your safety but also messes up your driving record, which makes it difficult for you to get car insurance in the future. It also increases the cost of premiums. Sometimes accidents are not your fault. One bad day on the road should not define your driving skills. Thankfully, there is a way out of such a misfortune.
In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about accident forgiveness to ensure that your driving record remains clean. Meanwhile, if you want to check out the best car insurance deals, you can look at Surex's website to get the best market rates from one of the leading insurance providers in the industry.
What Is Accident Forgiveness?
An accident forgiveness insurance pardons the first accident in which you are at fault so that it doesn't show up on your driving record, increases your premiums, and hampers your chances of getting a better deal on auto insurance in the future.
However, only some insurance providers will deal with this matter similarly. They all have different criteria for providing the accident forgiveness benefit. Not every type of accident would qualify for forgiveness. Thus, even though it is your first accident, insurers can reject your claim if the kind of accident you are involved in doesn't qualify for the policy. Also, whether you will receive this benefit or not largely depends on your previous driving record.
How Does Accident Forgiveness Work?
While some companies may automatically provide accident forgiveness along with your primary policy for free, most companies sell them as an additional add-on to your primary policy. After all, one at-fault accident can lead to a massive increase in your monthly or annual premium, lasting up to three years. Must visit craze earth to get the knowledge in depth.
Even if your company offers accident forgiveness, you might not qualify. If you do not have a clean driving record or if you have violated traffic rules several times before (whether it is for speeding or over-running traffic signals), there is a high chance that you will not qualify for accident forgiveness.
Now if everything goes well and you qualify for accident forgiveness the following process depends upon the insurance company. Mostly, you need to report the accident to your insurance company, take a photo of the damage for documentation, and discuss the matter with them. From there on, your insurance company will guide you through the claims process.
How Long Does an Accident Show On Your Driving Record?
Since a clean driving record is essential to qualify for lower premiums, you might wonder how long an accident shows on your record. The accident can stay on your record for about 3 to 5 years depending on your state and country. The same goes for traffic violations and speeding tickets. After three to five years, you will have a clean driving record again, provided there are no further mishaps.
So, let's say your at-fault accident was seven years ago. So, if you renew your premium now, you will automatically qualify for lower premiums as the accident would no longer dampen your driving record.
Alternatives You Can Consider
Sometimes, you might not be eligible for accident forgiveness, but that doesn't mean that you cannot get discounts on your premiums. While there is nothing that you can do at that moment to prevent your accident from showing up on your driving record, there are other options to qualify for lower premiums in the future.
Many insurance companies offer a benefit called "disappearing
deductible," Under which if you continue to drive safely without getting into an accident, the insurance company reduces part of your deductible.
There is another option called the good driver discount. Under this benefit, if you have a clean driving record for a particular period set by the insurance company, your premium can be reduced by 20% to 25%. However, the exact discount varies from company to company.
When you get into an accident, you may not be eligible for accident forgiveness or any of the alternatives mentioned above. In this case, you should talk to your insurance provider and find out if there is an alternative option so that you can receive a discount on your premium. If you have an otherwise clean driving record, your Insurance company can help you.
Do You Need Accident Forgiveness?
Whether you need accident forgiveness or not depends on a couple of factors.
First, you need to see whether your company is providing free accident forgiveness. If not, then you should only purchase accident forgiveness if the additional cost is not more than the potential increase in your premiums in case your accident goes on your driving record
Also, if you need more confidence about your driving skills or if there is someone in your family who is not a good driver, accident forgiveness is totally worth it. But you might not need accident forgiveness if you have a clean driving record and substantial driving experience,. At the end of the day, it's your call.
Also, you should know that you cannot buy forgiveness after an accident. And if you have a recent at-fault accident on your record, you will not qualify for accident forgiveness.
Car insurance, like any significant Investment plan, requires strategizing and foresight. So you have to decide what course of action you would opt for in case you get into an accident in the future.
Accident forgiveness insurance is entirely worth it if you reside in a high accident-prone area. It would prevent any accidents from hampering your insurance rates. However, something can only beat the value of having a clean driving record. It is essential to drive safely for your physical and financial safety.