If you keep on top of the many health and fitness trends, you will have seen more and more people talking about intermittent fasting. Although not suited to everyone, this is a trend where people pay attention to the times at which they eat. With a specific pattern, they move through periods of eating and fasting. One common strategy is called ‘the 16/8 method’ and it sees participants eating during an eight-hour window before then fasting for the other 16 hours.
Before you embark on this journey, you’ll want to know whether or not it will help your body. Well, the good news is that intermittent fasting has many health benefits.
Reduce Insulin Resistance
In one study, insulin resistance was reduced after intermittent fasting. Patients in the study reduced their blood sugar levels by up to 6%, an astonishing amount that could help to lower the risk of type 2 diabetes.
Lose Weight
Since most readers will be looking for weight loss techniques, you should know that this is another side effect of the strategy. What’s more, many people can lose weight without consciously reducing their calorie intake. Instead, they’re focusing on WHEN they eat, and this is the key detail in any intermittent fasting strategy.
Naturally, you’ll take in fewer calories using a strategy of this kind, but because the focus is on your eating window, it’s an easier way to implement a reduced-calorie diet. Look online and you’ll see thousands of stories of people losing belly fat and weight as a result of intermittent fasting and the
LIFE Fasting Tracker app that has been extremely practical for thousands of users. Including a juice plan with intermittent fasting can double the impact it has on your effort. Juice cleansing while fasting can really clean and reset your system. Juices can be made at home or ordered online from companies like
Greene Street Juice Co.Improve Heart Health
Sadly, heart disease is still one of the leading health conditions affecting people of all ages all over the world. As you’ve probably guessed, intermittent fasting can improve your heart health and, therefore, limit your risk of experiencing heart-related issues. How does it do this? By reducing the amount of LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) in your system.
However, it also reduces other factors that contribute to heart disease. This includes:
- Blood sugar
- Insulin resistance
- Blood triglycerides
- Inflammatory markers
Reduce Inflammation
Thanks to studies, it’s also widely accepted that
intermittent fasting helps to alleviate inflammation in the body. Again, this is something that not only causes problems in itself but can lead to more serious health concerns. With reduced markers of inflammation, you put your body in a position to thrive both now and long into the future.
Slow Aging
Sorry, it’s impossible to prevent the ageing process - it’s a fact of life and a process through which everyone will go. Yet, this isn’t to say that you can’t at least slow this process down, something achieved by intermittent fasting. One study showed that rats on an intermittent fasting plan extended their lifespan. While some rats lived 36% longer, others extended their lifespan by up to 83%. While the effect on humans is smaller, it’s still a powerful way to slow the ageing process.
Boost Brain Health
Finally, most diets and fads talk about the benefit to your body. In many cases, however, the benefit to your mind is just as important. In fact, your mindset and mental health can determine the success of intermittent fasting and other weight-loss strategies. The good news is that intermittent fasting may encourage new nerve cells while also increasing BDNF (a brain hormone). Some studies have also started to draw a link between intermittent fasting and a reduced risk of
Alzheimer’s disease.
With this, you see why more people are switching to an intermittent fasting strategy (after first discussing the decision with a doctor).