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Inbox Zero For GMAIL Users is Just a Click Away!

Zero For GMAIL

Every professional spends 28% of their workday on emails. It is important to make conscious decisions on how you spend time to be more productive.

Merlin Mann introduced the concept of Inbox Zero as he understood the stress that came with managing inboxes at different places repeatedly. When you feel that your inbox is driving you crazy, you need to take immediate action. But, how to take action? If you are using Gmail, then it will be a cakewalk for you. Read on to find out.

What is email management in Gmail?

A good email management strategy can improve your productivity, efficiency and save you a lot of time. These skills might look complex and hard to achieve but are crucial to lead a balanced life. Once you explore the features offered by Gmail, you will understand that achieving Inbox Zero is easy.

Some professionals find email management in Gmail to be stressful. This is only because they do not know the exact methodology. Spending 10 years of our lives sorting emails is more stressful than learning these tricks.

How to master the tricks of email management in Gmail?

Learn email management in Gmail with these 5 tricks and increase your productivity like never before.

Use Email Management Software

There are a lot of email management apps like Mailman that can help you to achieve Inbox Zero. You need to know the different tricks, and you also need to practice them so that you can find the one that works for you. This is for all the people who want a single-click solution to email management.

Mailman currently handles all your incoming emails in a safe and secured environment respecting your privacy. They allow you to batch deliver emails as per your predetermined timings, They create a daily digest of all the unnecessary emails like newsletters and send it to you in a single email, You can mark VIP more to surpass Mailman filters, and finally, it allows you to begin with a single click. So, inbox zero is really simple.

DIY Email Management Tips

  • Mute conversations: Spam emails stop you from achieving Inbox Zero. Gmail allows you to mute conversations that don’t involve you for the time being. Also, you can take help from email management apps like Mailman that offer the ‘Do not Disturb mode. This feature allows you to set a time frame during which you do not wish to receive any emails.
  • Layout Feature: However, once the time slot is over, you will receive all your emails in one go. After that, you will have to spend time categorizing those emails. This is where the layout feature comes to your rescue. With Gmail’s layout feature, you can decide what type of emails should be placed on the top of your inbox. You can choose amongst unread, read, and starred emails.
  • Preview Pane: You have sorted the receiving part of the email but, can you view them as per your priority as well? Yes, you can. You can use the preview pane feature which offers you a proper preview of every incoming email.
  • Create labels and folders: Once you customize the receiving part of your inbox, you would want to categorize them as well. Gmail provides you with labels and folders that help with the segregation of your emails. Apart from that, you can even create customized labels and folders as per your needs. You can even color-code your tags as it is easier for you to find them when needed.
  • Create filters: You can filter your emails with the help of senders, subject lines, keywords, and attachments amongst various other things. You can even take the help of email management apps like Mailman that allow you to block unimportant emails. It is a fantastic tool that increases your productivity and helps you manage your inbox efficiently.

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