Coming up on Generations this May 2021:

Monday 24 May 2021Episode 131 (1691)
Lesedi lies that she has everything under control with the fashion show. Tracy receives good news and is devastated by it. Cosmo is in two minds about whether to expose his sister or not.
Tuesday 25 May 2021
Episode 132 (1692)
Mazwi realises who let the cat out of the bag. Tshidi puts on a good front but backstage it’s chaos! Sphe is shocked to hear what her ex wants her to do.
Wednesday 26 May 2021
Episode 133 (1693)
If asking doesn’t get you what you want, you can always just steal it… Fikile is shocked to hear what her friend has done this time round. An almost-kiss between two friends catches both off guard.
Thursday 27 May 2021
Episode 134 (1694)
Lesedi makes a life-changing decision. Luyolo knows something is up but what can it be? Is Lucy’s longing for the old days starting to mess with her mind?
Friday 28 May 2021
Episode 135 (1695)
Mazwi learns the hard way that regret comes too late. Mrekza thinks it’s time to find out if he’s being lied to. Sphe has to cover for dear life when the young girls ogle the talent…
Monday 31 May 2021
Episode 136 (1696)
Mpho is shocked to hear why his friend is in a bad way. Tshidi is floored yet highly intrigued about an outlandish plan. Mia gets an eyeful of a hot and steamy kissing session no one was meant to see.
Generations airs on SABC1 from Mondays to Fridays at 20h00.