When your system is in order, your entire warehouse productivity can also be increased. While pallet racking might be easy to think of, a couple of mistakes can still be made along the way. If you intend to maintain, purchase, and implement your racking system, you'll need to consider a couple of things. Read on as we dive into the top 8 mistakes and how you can avoid them.
1 - Wrong Design
Within the pallet racking world, there are a ton of alternative storage options as well as different racking styles that can compensate for every possible need that you may have. If you have little space on the floor, you can use a raised platform model. However, if you're thinking of maximizing your storage options, there are other options. To help you figure out that matter, check out this
Pallet Racking Systems specialist.
Before jumping in, you'll need to think about your needs and select a configuration that works for you. A state-of-the-art dynamic concept is better suited if your business is fast-paced and things come and go very quickly. The cantilever is ideal if the warehouse is filled with unusually sized loads or extra heavy loads.
2 - Lack Of Future-Proofing Your Plans
Businesses usually grow and eventually expand when things pick up; the same goes for your pallet-racking system. Before purchasing a plan, it's a great idea to think of the future. Most new owners tend to buy what is needed now and only sometimes think ahead. When properly planning, you'll reduce the possibility of relying on temporary options.
When this type of business is forced to rely on alternative temporary options, the entire efficiency of the facility is decreased. Making this investment is essential to get your business up and running, so remember to think about the business's future.
3 - Failing To Establish Your Needs
You'll quickly run into some disasters when you estimate instead of calculating the load needing support. If you decide that more racking is optional, you'll also risk dealing with collapses in the warehouse. However, you can also overestimate the load and pay quite a fortune for the system if you never need it.
Additionally, you need to think about the height that can be reached via the forklift to ensure the upper parts of your system are helpful. Even miscalculating the depths of your pallets can leave your entire system completely useless. As a result of these issues, it is advised that you perform the necessary calculations so that your work area is always safe from sudden collapses or wastage.
4 - No Thought Is Given To the Equipment
If you plan to get a new pallet racking system, your additional equipment doesn't need to be unique. Regardless of your existing machinery, some systems do require special equipment. With that said, completely ignoring this easily sets you back by having to purchase an entire fleet of machinery to suit the conditions in the warehouse.
Before purchasing your system, it's best to do additional research to ensure everything fits your criteria.
5 - Improper Use And Overloading
When your racking systems are overloaded, you can deal with irreparable damage. To prevent this from happening, it's best to inform your staff of the max load capacity of the racking system. If you're interested in further clarification, the pleasure that each shelf displays the load capacity to prevent mishaps and confusion.
Additionally, safe work signs are required in your warehouse. These usually indicate the limits of each system as suggested by the manufacturer. All racking systems should be periodically audited to keep the environment as safe as possible.
6 - Avoiding Repairs And Damages
If these systems ever become damaged, the overall structural integrity of the entire system is compromised. So, if you ever realise anything is damaged, it should be repaired as soon as possible. Your warehouse should have a designated area where employees can report these issues without being ignored.
However, regular inspections should be conducted to find structural damages and other issues hiding in plain sight. The sooner these repairs are seen, they can be fixed. So, keep in mind that injuries should not be ignored.
Additionally, it should be noted that overloading and even collisions can result in collapses and accidents. It should be thoroughly inspected and certified to reduce the risk of this happening to your system.
7 - Unprotected Racking
If you didn't already know, material handling and pallet racking are like two peas in a pod. WAccidents are bound to happen when both are done close to each other. Accidents can be as minor as the corner of the forklift clipping the aisle. Even the most minor form of collision can cause severe damage to your system.
If your operators are being trained, this training can only go so far, and forklifts will eventually run into your racking system at some point. However, this can present itself as a massive disaster for businesses. This often leads to downtime and a costly cleanup period.
Remember, the life of your business is storing products, and both your products and system should be protected at all costs. As such, it is essential to protect your racking system. If you need protection products, several protection systems are in place to protect your racking system and your staff.
8 - Self Installation
If you're a DIY enthusiast, there are other options than installing your racking system. Most sellers provide the manpower and knowledge necessary to install your racking system professionally. In essence, these systems should only be installed by those who are familiar with and know the intricate workings of these systems. If you're considering hiring an installation service, this can be done when purchasing your system.
As we conclude, we have just looked at the top 8 pallet racking mistakes (
https://palletrackingqld.com.au/) and how you can avoid them. Warehouse mistakes can occur in the most minor ways. When these occur, it's best to inspect and repair your systems as soon as possible. Remember, performing a self-installation is not recommended.