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Your Guide to Rhinitis

Rhinitis is essentially the inflammation of the nasal cavity. The symptoms of rhinitis vary as per the severity of the condition, however commonly observed signs of rhinitis include runny or stuffy nose.

It also causes irritation and itching in the nose alongside sneezes. Eyes are also irritated, swelling due to the itching and the tearing also ensues. Stress on the sinuses leads to f

acial pain and headaches as well.

Likewise, throat also gets sore. Some people also experience coughing as well. As the whole head reels from the impact of rhinitis, patients also lose out on the sense of taste, smell and even hearing.

Anyone suffering from rhinitis needs to enlist the help of the best Best ENT specialist in Lahore, as this condition is not just disruptive but painful as well. The treatment strategy is contingent on the type of rhinitis.

Types of Rhinitis

Allergic Rhinitis

A common condition, allergic rhinitis occurs when the nasal cavity gets in contact with any allergen. Common culprits include dust, pollen, mold etc. In some people, animal hair and skin, like cat hair, also causes an allergic reaction.

The symptoms of allergic rhinitis include sneezing, runny or blocked nose and itchiness in the ENT regions. Whereas in some people, the symptoms are mild and thus easily manageable, others may suffer from extreme allergic reaction that severely impedes on their normal life.

While there is no way to completely treat the condition, it is possible to manage the symptoms better. Best way is through identification of the trigger and avoiding them at all costs.

However, some allergens like pollen are incorrigible. In this case, patients should minimize exposure. Moreover, timely intervention also prevents the symptoms from aggravating.

Helpful coping strategies include taking antihistamines at the onset of reaction, during nasal decongestant sprays to ease the blockage in the nose, using humidifier, flu shots and using saline spray to clear the nasal passage of the irritants.

Nonallergic Rhinitis

Nonallergic rhinitis is a trickier condition to treat. It occurs without a known cause like allergen or immune response. Some common triggers of nonallergic rhinitis include infections, stress, hormonal issues, changes in weather, adverse impact of some medication and presence of foreign body in the nose. It can also occur on account of certain smells and foods as well.

Nonallergic rhinitis is also further divided into different types:

Acute Viral Rhinitis

As the name suggests, this condition occurs on account of viral infection. The symptoms include low-grade fever, postnasal drip, congestion, cough etc. Since its viral in natural, treatment is focused on the alleviation of the symptoms.

Decongestant sprays are helpful, although should only be used for 3-4 days only. Antihistamines are also effective in reducing the severity of the symptoms.

Chronic Rhinitis

CR may be a consequence of allergic reaction as well. Less commonly, it occurs due to other factors like pregnancy, diseases like asthma, use of certain medication, irritants, smoking etc.

The signs of chronic rhinitis include nasal obstruction, nosebleeds, crusting inside of the nasal cavity, bad smell and pus-filled discharge from the nose.

The treatment options available include the use of decongestant spray. Doctors may also have to perform tests like culture and biopsy to rule out more serious conditions that CR could be indicative of.

Atrophic Rhinitis

Common in older people, atrophic rhinitis occurs when the mucous membrane that lines the nasal cavity dries out. The bone beneath it also shrinks, leading to the hardening of the nasal passageway. Nasal cavities also then dilate and become dry as a consequence.

Symptoms of atrophic rhinitis include foul smell, especially the person’s breath, nasal discharge, crusting inside of the nose, sore throat, headaches, nosebleeds, frequent infection, deformation of the nose, amongst others.

Treating atrophic rhinitis is no mean feat, and not always possible. Many treatment strategies are thus attempted at reducing the severity of the symptoms, like rehydrating the nasal cavity and preventing its drying out.

Vasomotor Rhinitis

Vasomotor rhinitis is a form of chronic rhinitis. Its symptoms resemble that of an allergic reaction, but it occurs without the presence of an allergen.

At times, VR is a consequence of body’s reaction to strong smells like perfumes. Pollution, spices, irritants, all can lead to vasomotor rhinitis.

Its symptoms include stuffy and runny nose, alongside sneezing. The treatment is not very straight forward, as the doctor first as to figure out the root of the problem. Mostly, when the condition is not very severe, the treatment focuses on improving the symptoms alongside general care like avoiding smoke and strong odors, using humidifier and decongestants etc.

Rhinitis medicamentosa

In this condition, patients experience very severe nasal congestion. It occurs on account of the overuse of nasal decongestant sprays and drops. Rather than improving the symptoms of the inflammation, they further irritate the nasal cavity, and that is why it is also referred to as rebound congestion.

It is therefore imperative to take medicines as per the instructions of the best ENT specialist in Islamabad only.

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