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7 Ways To Make Remote Learning Better

Remote learning is currently the norm and will be crucial even in the post-pandemic world. For many instructors, it represents the development of their existing online offerings. For others, remote education means a whole new venture.

For learners, remote learning offers several benefits over traditional education. So, educators are taking on the challenge of designing quality online learning experiences. A study reveals that remote learning is more effective at the micro-level. It offers convenience and broader choices to the learners.

However, remote education has its fair share of issues. The need for colleagues and face-to-face interaction can hamper the learning experience. This article explores seven ways to help you enhance the remote learning experience.
Newer Technologies

Embrace Newer Technologies

Telepresence robots and virtual and augmented reality have begun to reshape the learning landscape. Educators invest heavily in them because they offer an immersive and interactive learning experience.

Telepresence robots give a sense of a person's physical presence where they can't be in person. The BotEyes Telepresence Robot keeps learners engaged and self-aware. Research states that telepresence robots are preferable to other tools for remote learning.

This technology enhances connection because instructors can observe learners' non-verbal communication. AR/VR enables simulations and makes concepts more concrete. They offer a real-time learning environment for learners, leading to better knowledge retention.

Limit The Amount Of New Information Per Session

In learning, the students can suffer from "information overdose." Your learner can only consume certain information in a single session. It depends on their familiarity with the topic, interest level, and more factors.

Instead of conducting a 45–60-minute session, you can break it down into 15–20-minute chunks. By splitting the sessions, you also break up the information flow. This distribution practice will allow you to use the "spacing effect."

Research states that more space in the learning environment reinforces memory networks. It implies small chunks of content stay in long-term memory. You can use quizzes and polls to help learners recollect information from previous sessions. This continuous data recall helps create the neural pathways in the brain.

Classroom More Interactive

Make The Classroom More Interactive

Interaction is what is lacking in an online medium. It is challenging to focus when everyone is miles apart. To solve this problem, you must create an interactive and dynamic learning environment.

The technologies mentioned above can enhance interaction. Another way to increase it is to encourage participation. For example, a student asks a question, and you can let other participants respond. You can even conduct quizzes, polls, and brainstorming sessions to promote interaction.

Instead Of Comprehension

Focus On Content Instead Of Comprehension

In an online medium, getting students excited about a topic is essential. And this excitement comes from relevancy rather than drawing connections. Teachers can spend hours on comprehension in physical classrooms but consider it a waste in online classes.

To improve the remote learning experience, you should focus on topics that interest the students. You can check the curriculum and pick the concepts that seem intriguing. Before starting the discussion phase, you should review if your students have adequate knowledge.

Create A Schedule And Stick To It

If you don't think schedules are essential for online classes, it's time to think again. Being too flexible or lenient will diminish the value of education. It will help if you can have strict timing regulations for remote learning. Try sticking to a consistent time with your students.

However, you can be flexible with synchronous and asynchronous learning. In synchronous learning, everyone attends the class together. Asynchronous learning offers resilience to participate in batches. You can experiment with it and see what works.

Try Co-Teaching

Co-teaching is successful in physical classrooms. It is a teaching practice where one educator instructs, and the other assists them. The instructors covered the same content but divided the class into two groups.

This approach can work for online classrooms, too. Support professionals and instructors can support learners through data sharing and collaboration. One tutor can lecture the entire batch, while the others can moderate and reply to the chat.

Humor Goes A Long Way

Online classes can get stressful and monotonous. There can be many distractions like poor internet connection, boring topics, etc. In such cases, humor can ease the pressure and get things back on track.

A study reveals that humor creates a good learning atmosphere and facilitates interaction. It interrelates with the disciplinary culture and philosophical nature of the subject.

Final Thoughts

Remote learning is here to stay, even after the pandemic is over. As an educator, you should find better ways for content delivery. The tips mentioned above will make remote learning better and more engaging. They will help create an interactive, accessible, and exciting environment.

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