How to get rid of body acne? What results in body acne? And how can you deal with it once and for all? Well, worry not because this report will answer these questions perpetually. Instead of facial acne, today, I will talk about body acne. Facial acne is a more widespread skincare problem and has already drawn so much attention but what is focus-driven is body acne.
The reason is that most of the time, they are ignored because they are not easily noticeable as they often hide within our clothes. This pesky minor acne can be anywhere on your body: the neck, shoulder, back, chest, buttock, etc. Many people find body acne filthy, and thus, what we need to do is to understand the primary cause behind it.
How to Get Rid Of Body Acne?
To manage and treat body acne, let's first talk about its reasons. It will help in better treatment and management of the same. Body acne is a piece of embarrassment, and nobody wants it. But the question stands whether there is a lasting solution to it or not?
And before we move further, we need to know the causes of body acne so we can take some precautions. But how can we get rid of it? Let's take a look at the causes and some reasons which contribute to resulting in body acne. Causes Of Body Acne
There can be many explanations for body acne, and knowing the exact reason behind body acne is tough. But the major contributing aspects leading towards acne formation and making it painful and long-lasting can be:
- Pre-existing blemishes
- Clogged pores
- Hormonal changes
- Dirt & Debris
- Growth of bacteria
And dead skin cells that mingle with the oil in the skin, which secrets pores.
Additionally, occlusive products may be harsh on your skin and facilitate more acne. Sweaty and wet clothes are highly prone to give room for acne to stay. Hence, avoid wearing such clothes. Also, always intend to wash clothes daily and wear a fresh pair of clothes. In this way, it doesn't apply friction or pressure over your body which causes more acne on your body.
How To Completely Vanish Body Acne?
Body acne indicates that you are not paying much attention to your body. That's not cool! The more you will let it occur, the worse it will get. You must take time from your busy schedule and give yourself some time. It's pretty essential to take care of yourself. Below, I am listing some measures you can take to avoid body acne.
Swap your regular body wash
Swap your body wash with an ideal body wash for body acne with Salicylic acid, Glycolic acid, and Lactic acid. The problem could be within your body wash or bathing soap. There are harsh chemicals used in soaps, and body washes, even in bathing bombs which can cause irritation or acne. So, bring one of the ideal body wash or soaps which is not harsh on your body. This is the very first step in your fight against body acne. This is the very first step in your battle against body acne.
Practice Exfoliating Once a Week
Exfoliating is like a blessing for acne-prone areas of your body. It helps you get rid of dead skin cells that stay in your pores and clog them, leading to acne. Exfoliating should be done once a week, as practising it more often will be a disaster for your skin. Always be gentle and slow while using the scrubs for exfoliation.
Bring yourself the right Body lotion/Moisturizer.
When you bring creams for your face, you are always extra cautious about the ingredients. But you often act carelessly while choosing your body lotion, ignoring and neglecting its components. And this turns out to be one of the biggest blunders for the various parts of your body. To tackle the struggle of treating your body acne, you must pick up a suitable Body lotion for yourself. Now the question comes, which is an ideal body lotion/moisturizer?
This Body lotions/moisturizers contribute a lot to skin care. Choosing a suitable cream or moisturizer can do wonders. You have to be extra cautious while selecting products for your body. Just like the face, our body, too, needs attention. The answer to your question is it should be oil-free and non-comedogenic.
Avoid picking when it comes to body acne.
Dermatologists always suggest avoiding picking when it comes to acne issues.
Nothing can be worse than picking those minor annoying acne over your neck, back, shoulder, etc. Sometimes, this acne is very irritating and painful, which leads to picking that acne by some people. It leads to pigmentation, scarring, and infection, which later becomes troublesome. Therefore, professionals recommend not picking up or touching acne anywhere on your body. You are not supposed to scratch, pick or squeeze acne. It sounds a bit difficult, but if you want acne to disappear without leaving its mark, you must do it.
Now coming towards the final words, I want to highlight that body acne can also be a sign of something fatal. So beware of it, and if you find something unusual, you should seek medical help ASAP! So, I hope you must've got the answer to your question: how to get rid of body acne?
Moreover, you must remember that no product is a magic stick that'll get you rid of acne like a miracle in a day or two. Be calm and patient as you have a long journey to cover when treating your body acne. The above solutions will work with others. They will prove to be fruitful in curing your body's acne only when you follow the combination of these above approaches for at least two months.