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3 Major Types of Events Invitation You Can Get RSVP

Can Get RSVP
A lot of times, people plan a party, and they aren’t sure of the actual number of attendees. However, an old standard still rules when addressing such issues. The old standard entails that the event organizer include RSVP information on the event card or ticket, as the case may be. Over the years, has this yielded positive results as expected? This is another unique topic we will discuss in one of our posts in the future. Because we learn every day, and the purpose of this post is to share knowledge, let’s go over the meaning of RSVP.

What Really is RSVP?

RSVP is standard practice when it comes to inviting people to your event. Recently, due to the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, most people sent out online invitations with RSVP free. RSVP is a French phrase “Repondez s’il vous plait. It simply connotes that guests for a specific event must give the host feedback after receiving the invitation on whether they will attend the event.

An RSVP is sent to prospective attendees so that the event planner can get the exact headcount of those attending and plan accordingly. Therefore, if you receive an even invitation carrying an RSVP, kindly do the planner good by responding; remember the host counts you worthy and important before sending an invitation and seeking your presence on the deal day.

Types of Events You Can Get RSVP

RSVP can be included in any event; so far, the event planner understands and feels the need to put such options. However, there are significant events in that RSVP that must be included; otherwise, the event planner may save money and resources to over plan.


Weddings happen every week, so if you have a good a connection with friends, colleagues and ex-schoolmat then you should be ready for wedding invitations week-in and week-out. Week inh, some people are practically experiencing this. RSVPs are commonly included in wedding invitation cards, whether electronically or manually. RSVP on a wedding invitation card is explicit, and because the couple wants to watch their spending, you should respond. Onward, check wedding invitation cards carefully, and you’ll find an RSVP check box or option.


In addition to a wedding being a special day in one’s lifetime, the birthday isn’t left out too. Believe it or not, most people take their time to organize a birthday party than they would do for course graduation. Ideally, a birthday party should be attended by friends of the host, but sometimes not all the friends would be available. Hence, a birthday invitation card has an option for RSVP. When you check and see that an RSVP is included in a birthday card, take your time to pass through the process to respond. It means a lot to the host.

House Warming

People love to celebrate, especially when a milestone is reached, and building or buying your own house is enough reason to celebrate. Housewarming is the party you throw when you’re ready to show families and friends your new location in style. Usually, such a party is attended strictly by invitation. Therefore, the event organizer sends out a well-designed and customized housewarming invitation. An RSVP is included because the planners want to ensure the headcount and plan rightly for those who responded. People don’t usually respond to invitations with RSVPs promptly because they need to check their schedules to confirm they have free time to attend the party.

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