No doubt innovation is tempting, but at the same time, it is very difficult to get it. Especially for large IT organizations it becomes difficult when they are so rooted in their old complex systems. So they avoid new methods or even technologies that could change the way they do business for the better. The introduction of new technologies is a task that is best left to the professionals they deem. But that shouldn't be a hindrance at all, because there has been a gradual shift towards web-based models over the past 10 years. And hence the rejection of traditional / legacy software models has grown.
Cloud computing features
It is a new form of technology as a service (TAAS) delivery. Providing a service or finished product to customers has never been easier. Now things are changing for the better because we have cloud computing. The very nature of collaborative, well-thought-out software development and deployment to the customer can be done with cloud computing methodology. The way software is developed, executed, deployed, and used has now changed dramatically.
And then there's Google's cloud platform. If
data analytics consulting company wants to build software applications, it needs a better Platform. Google's cloud platform is the one they should be looking for. For developing their web, mobile and server solutions, it is the best tool for developing modern applications.
Reasons to Develop Custom Applications in the Cloud
Reducing costs is the first and one of the main reasons why companies are switching to cloud services. After all, maintaining your own IT infrastructure is difficult and expensive. It is not enough to buy server hardware and data storage systems. The main thing is to provide their qualified maintenance and administration. Besides, sooner or later there is a need for IT modernization. According to statistics, on average, after 3-5 years, the iron needs to be updated. And this is an inevitable process. Any equipment has its own operational period and may no longer meet business requirements.
The second reason for companies to move to the cloud is the ability to scale infrastructure. In other words, if necessary, you can change the configuration of the virtual server. You can add the required amount of processing power, RAM or increase the amount of disk space using your personal online account. For similar operations are required significant financial investments and time costs.
In the cloud, it is very easy to automate various processes for managing your infrastructure. It's the backup and disaster recovery, which saves on administrative costs. Cloud platforms have a clear management console with which you can manage the virtual infrastructure. You can create your own server templates and process data. Moreover, most of the operations are done in a couple of clicks.
Cloud application development company would do this task.
Data security is another benefit of using cloud services. According to experts, more than 60% of companies already store personal information in the cloud. This is due to the fact that cloud providers build their infrastructure with reliable hardware solutions and modern technologies. The physical infrastructure of a cloud provider, as a rule. It is located in reliable data centers, which minimizes the risks of equipment failure and data loss.
Serious cloud providers guarantee resource availability of at least 99.9%. This figure is spelled out in the service level agreement, and is often backed by real financial guarantees from the provider.
As practice shows, companies that once used cloud services quickly understand the benefits of this approach. And in the future are moving more and more of their applications to the cloud, thereby increasing the efficiency of their business as a whole.
Summing up, we can say that modern cloud technologies provide any company with a number of effective tools that allow them to pay more attention to their core business. The user can reduce the risk of data loss, and increase the level of information security.