Leg wounds may develop after an injury, especially if you have a problem with the circulation system. They are open ulcers that may become too painful and itchy, which may, in turn, affect your functioning. When left untreated, they may be infected or result in severe complications. Dr. Kasha is an
El Paso general surgery specialist who treats leg wounds and other vein related conditions. Book an appointment today if you have open sores on your feet.
What are the risk factors of leg ulcers?
- Pregnancy: The weight gained during pregnancy may make legs develop varicose veins. It should be temporary most of the time. However, with more than one pregnancy, varicose veins have been seen to increase in about half of pregnant women.
- Obesity: Being overweight has the same effects as pregnancy. The extra weight exerts more pressure on the legs, joints, and feet. It also overworks the heart, which could increase the risks of high blood pressure. Accumulation of blood in the feet means you could develop leg ulcers.
- Inactive lifestyle: It is important to exercise regularly so that your calf muscle is active. This facilitates the pumping of blood, which would otherwise have collected in pools increasing pressure. Start from simple leg exercises like waking and progress to more vigorous exercises.
- Cigarette smoking: Smoking cigarettes has negative effects on the circulatory system. It narrows the arteries reducing the amount of oxygen that goes through. As a result, the skin around the entire area is unhealthy and could easily be damaged. If this person were to develop a leg wound, it would be not easy to heal because it is not getting enough nutrients and oxygen.
- Aging: The occurrence of venous diseases increases with age. Venous illnesses also get destructive over time. An older person will, therefore, have increased chances of developing leg ulcers.
- Skincare: Skin is the body organ that is mainly affected when one develops leg ulcers. Therefore, it is important that you take care of it so that it is as healthy as possible so that it can defend itself against vein problems.
- Direct heat on the leg: Strong heat from heaters, hot baths, Jacuzzis, or lamps could affect the health of your skin, making it vulnerable to leg ulcers. It could also worsen the condition of an existing wound.
- Occupation: People who have jobs that demand long periods of standing time may be at a high risk of developing leg ulcers. Examples of such jobs include teachers, factory workers, pharmacists, flight attendants, nurses, and hairdressers. It is important for such people to exercise regularly so that the legs are always in a healthy condition.
Symptoms of leg ulcers
- Visible swollen legs or varicose veins
- Swollen ankles or edema
- A feeling of heavy legs
- Itchy legs that may turn color to reddish
- Discharge from the wound
- Darkening skin color on the skin around your wound
- Hardened skin around the wound
Managing the risk factors will help in preventing or reducing the chances of leg ulcers. For example, managing weight and blood sugar level or quitting smoking. If you have a wound or any other vein problem, consult Desert West Vein & Surgery Center for treatment or further questions.