The flower: Lily |
You can go in any direction with the lily. There is plenty of choice in terms of color, shape and size. They come in white, pink, but also in striking red and orange tones. In other words, they really are super versatile. The lily is available in trumpet shape, but also in flat or bowl shape. The flowers of the lily can have a diameter of 7 to 25 centimeters. Lilies are also versatile in terms of fragrance, ranging from odorless to strongly fragrant.
The lily is quite a symbolic flower with many meanings.
Lilies can be found in the wild in many places. You can find them in Korea, Japan and parts of Siberia, but also closer to the equator. In Europe, the lily is native to the Caucasus, the Balkan countries, Greece, Poland, the Alps and the Pyrenees. It is also found in the wild in most American states, with the exception of the southwestern part of the United States. A
letterbox flowers is a fancy and popular gift nowadays in Europe.
What some people do have a problem with is the smell of some lilies. If you are a little sensitive to it, it can even stink. Then choose a double-flowered lily. These have no stamens, which significantly reduces the lily's fragrance.
Toxic for cats
What is good to think about is the danger to cats. Lilies are very toxic to cats, including the water they are in. By chance in nature, the scent of lilies attracts cats. If your cat has contracted lily poisoning it could result in acute kidney failure, get to the vet as soon as possible!
Cut the pistils from the flower as a precaution, do this as soon as possible when the lily opens.
Some Interesting Facts about Lilies:
- Lily is a bloom emerging out of a bulb.
- Lilies are social and extrovert. It cannot grow properly alone. Put it in a group of 4 or 5 and see how quick it develops beautifully.
- Lilies are growing in Europe, North America and Asia.
- More than 100 species of lilies are typically available.
- There are also a wide number of grown lilies.
- Lilies flourish on a mountainous forest and grassy plain.
- Lily is considered one of the world's most loved floral varieties!
- It currently belongs among the world's top ten flowers.
- It symbolizes purity and innocence, as Christians think.
- When you set them aside in a tub, lilies last long.
- But if you take their pollen away. Even more, they last.
- Thinking Lily is an enduring vine.
- This means that they can survive in nature for over 2 years.
- Lilies are being taken for depression and some forms of toxicities by Asian traditional medicine.
- According to Greek mythology, Apollo- the healing God introduced Aesculapius his son, Lily of the Valley, to him during teaching him the art of healing.
- For cracked and dry skin, it can be very useful.
- To grow and remain alive it requires 6-8 hours of direct sunlight.
- It would be a smart choice to decorate your home in celebration of some big festival or occasion.
The flower: Tulip
One of the most touristic attractions in the Netherlands is the bulb fields of Keukenhof. Who does not know the images of fields full of brightly colored tulips provide a true spectacle? The tulip is so often mentioned in breath with the Netherlands, it is one of our largest export products, that one would almost forget that it originated in distant China. Regardless, we should be grateful to the Chinese for producing something so beautiful. Apparently simple, it is a flower that has hundreds of variations. And in the Netherlands it is a great honor if one of the variations is named after you. Mailbox flowers of Tulips will bring a touch of happiness into anyone’s home!Which colors does a Tulip have?
This flower comes in almost all colors of the rainbow: red, pink, yellow, orange, purple, green, but also in white. There are even tulips that are multi-colored. They are also available with single, double or serrated petals and there are even lily tulips. You don't get them much more versatile!
As you have just read, the tulip comes in many colors. So each color has its own meaning.
The tulip stems grow quickly and therefore they will sometimes hang. That is why you may have to cut tulips again. Do this straight, not diagonally. The tulip's leaf surrounds the stem. Remove as much of this as you like. This leaf does not quickly rot in the water, as many other petals do.
Some interesting facts about Tulips:- There are more than 150 tulip species with more than 3,000 variants.
- They have flower buds that are practically symmetric.
- Most tulips have one Flower, but up to four different varieties have one stem.
- Tulips grow in spring for just 3-7 days.
- Tulips belong to the family of lilies.
- It is also said that Tulip indicates spring's arrival.
- Formerly the costliest flower were the tulips...
- In the 1600s, also 10 times the average wage of a worker in the Netherlands was said to cost them more than some houses.
- The flowers were so costly between 1634 and 1637 that it has become called "Tulip Mania."
- With some three billion of exports per year, the Netherlands is the world's biggest commercial producer of tulips.
- When you cut tulips, at least another inch will begin to grow in your vase.
- Tulips twist and bend to the light (even in a vase!).
- The New York Times reports that it is in the autumn that the best time to plant tulip bulbs, it will grow roots until the cold is too high.