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How Technology Is Influencing Government

Influencing Government
Technology has always had a symbiotic relationship with society, as the advancement of one is necessarily a corresponding advancement of the other. This means that as new technology gives way to societal changes, new tech innovations emerge. The government’s relationship with technology is that of implementing the latest and greatest tech in order to solve age-old  problems. Here’s what you need to know about tech in the modern government.

Organizational Tools

Where there is government, there is bureaucracy to some extent or another. Bureaucracy is inherently quite complex and often slow to act as a result. The ability to simplify the processes associated with governance is therefore essential, and that need only becomes more pressing as more and more data is collected. Organizational tools such as government document management software can help reign in that data by collecting, storing, and organizing it digitally and automatically. This, coupled with cloud and IoT technology, drastically reduces the complexity and redundancy of document storage.

IoT and Cloud Technology

IoT technology and cloud storage and computing are two sides of the same coin, as they create a more seamlessly connected workspace, albeit in very different ways. The “Internet of Things” design trend is that of creating wifi compatible devices that can be connected to each other in a network in order to create a smart office. This has endless applications, but one of the strongest in government work is that of creating an automated system for storing and parsing data sets in real time. Cloud storage is part and parcel with mass data storage in the modern era, but cloud computing has even more to offer.

Not only does cloud storage provide a remote, nearly untraceable file storage bank, but cloud computing elevates the concept of networking to the network. Cloud networks aren’t restricted by spatial limitations, meaning that a cloud network can be as widespread or as close knit as the users want. More importantly, a cloud network can harness its collective power for a singular task, something that has become an essential part of the modern data infrastructure. Cloud computing can single handedly turn a group of individual computers into a facsimile of a supercomputer by shifting resources as needed to create a network more powerful than any one device.


Blockchain is a unique type of data storage that is particularly well suited to a select handful of purposes. Essentially, a blockchain is a database that has a few caveats. First and foremost, a blockchain can be added to, but not edited. Essentially, each deposit of new information constitutes a “block” that is then a permanent part of the chain. This also means that the chain runs only in chronological order. One of the most common uses of blockchain technology is that of keeping permanent, comprehensive records of cryptocurrency transactions, but the methodology can be applied anywhere that a permanent, static record is beneficial.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is a branch of technology that can have a variety of applications, many of which are only recently being realized. For example, machine learning enables an AI to learn through repetition, much like a human being would. This takes a different form from organic beings and requires human instruction and oversight, but it is nonetheless the key to self improving AI moving forward. Natural language processing is also essential for getting the most out of AI, because it enables a machine to find, for example, multiple words for the same ideas, meaning that it can better parse human speech and text. These advancements are quickly leading to technology that is truly capable of providing heretofore unseen services to users.

Governments will always have a need for bigger and better tech in order to run things smoothly and ensure national security. Luckily, recent innovations provide the most powerful set of tools to date for collecting, storing, and processing data. These examples are just a few of the most impactful technologies that can and should be implemented in government use.

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