Kidneys play a significant role in the body. Besides filtering blood, they also change waste products into urine. You may have heard or read about its functions in various sources, all of which explains why a person can lead a normal life with one kidney instead of two. But that should be the least of your concerns. What you should be worried about is what happens when you have kidney disease or failure. Luckily, you can get all the answers to your questions through a
kidney diet Memorial Hermann in Cypress specialist. Here are some facts about kidney disease that can help you take control of your health.

Anyone can get kidney disease
Did you know that more than 20 million people in the US suffer from some level of kidney disease? If you have recently been diagnosed with kidney disease, know that you are not alone. Underlying issues such as diabetes, uncontrolled HBP, and even prolonged use of specific medications and supplements can contribute to it. Many doctors suggest patients on dialysis
buy EPO. The
Dialysis must be done at a reputed hospital under the supervision of a specialist.
Kidney disease has no early warning signs
Nausea, general weakness, loss of appetite, and swelling in your feet, and ankles may be symptoms of other conditions. That means it is not easy to tell whether you are suffering from kidney disease or any other condition. Knowing whether you have a diseased kidney can be daunting because there are no early warning signs. The only way to be sure about what is causing all these symptoms is by seeing a kidney specialist at Houston Kidney Specialists Center.
Age is a risk factor for kidney disease
Ageing comes with various risk factors and kidney failure or disease is one of them. If you have reached the age of 60 years and older and are battling terminal illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, and uncontrolled high blood pressure, chances are you may be at the risk of getting kidney disease.
Kidney disease can cause your bones to become weak
Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that your kidney relies on to absorb calcium and phosphorus to strengthen your bones. When you have kidney disease, your bones are likely to become brittle, causing you to experience weakness and excessive fatigue. It makes it challenging to perform basic tasks such as walking, climbing stairs, and even doing your house chores.
Every part of your body is affected if you have kidney disease
While kidney disease affects the core functions of kidneys, it may also interfere with other organs in your body. When it fails to filter blood, the production of red blood cells will equally be affected and this may lead to anaemia. As this keeps happening, the body's immune system may fail and your heart may be at risk of certain conditions.
See a kidney specialist today
Kidney disease is preventable, but it does not have warning signs. Once you start to experience the symptoms, see a kidney specialist to rule out any possible chances of the disease. To learn more about the facts on kidney disease, consult a kidney specialist today.