Amateur Radio or rather Ham Radio is one of the best hobbies to pursue in the 21t century as it comes with potential that can be of value in the post-pandemic era. Despite radio-based communication being an elusive domain to invest in, we have been seeing a massive surge in the number of licensed operators for the past few months. This post-covid19 development has come forth as a good word-of-mouth promotion for
ham radio in general.Ham radio is fun: it opens communication between people from various walks of life, regardless of location and gives you a quick way to send messages without any form of delay or censorship. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why ham radio is just so dang fun!

Ham Radio indulgence can Make you Popular
Amateur Radio, if pursued as a hobby, can quickly give you the popularity that you deserve, whilst facilitating your willingness to set up emergency groups within the community. Therefore, the next time you visit a
ham radio shop, consider picking up the requisite gadgets that can allow you to become a distress and emergency broadcaster in the local arena.
Ham Radio is Fun
Every hobby need not tread on the lines of productivity. Therefore, you can also approach Amateur Radio as a hobby just for the fun part associated with the same. Be it setting up a social chat group or taking a keen interest in learning about the
circuitry of the same, Ham Radio doesn’t always need to be informative and can be taken up as a form of amusement.
It is true that every hobby has to follow certain rules or at least it should be taken up in some form or other. There are several hobbies such as gardening, cooking and home improvement which are connected to real life things and are hence feasible as a hobby. Ham radio is one of those hobbies which are associated with learning of the circuitry behind the same. However, this can be looked at as a hobby in its own right and doesn’t necessarily have to be followed along a specific line. You can take it up on a social networking platform or just get interested in the science behind it, there is no compulsion on following any certain route.
The Perks of Being a Part of the Community
As a licensed ham radio operator, you get to be a part of the famed community that has a lot of actionable information to share. Besides, connecting via radio allows you to know people closely, sans judgments or biases, thereby helping forge better and stronger friendships.
While we could have continued discussing the benefits of pursuing Amateur Radio as a hobby, each of the three mentioned ones can make a good case for themselves.