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5 Causes of Chest Pains and What You Need to Do

Chest Pains
Most people often think of a heart attack when you mention chest pains. There are many other causes of chest pains, with some requiring you to seek medical help from a Cardiologist in Philadelphia, PA, while others are not harmful. When you visit a cardiologist, they will run tests to identify the main problem and give you the best prescription. However, before you visit your doctor, it is crucial to understand some of the causes of chest pains. Here are some of the main causes of chest pains.

Coronary Artery Disease

A person develops coronary artery disease (CAD) when the heart blood vessels are blocked. This causes the heart to experience a reduced supply of oxygen and blood flow, resulting in chest pains. The condition is also known as angina. It is a sign that you might have a heart attack in the future.

The chest pains can spread to other parts of the upper body, including your jaw, shoulder, back, and arms. It comes with some pressure and a burning sensation. In this case, you need to avoid getting stressed, too much excitement, or doing exercises. Ensure you visit a cardiologist once you experience unusual chest pains.

Myocardial Infarction

This is also another heart attack condition. It occurs due to reduced blood flow in the heart blood vessels. When this happens, the heart muscles die. It has similar characteristics to angina, but this is usually more severe. It causes excruciating pain on the left side of the chest.

The signs include nausea, weakness, shortened breath, chest pain, and sweating. When you experience any of these signs, seek medical attention within the shortest time possible.


This is a lung problem that comes with inflammation and irritation in the chest and lungs. There is usually a sharp pain in the chest when you sneeze, breathe, or cough. Pleurisy is caused by viral or bacterial infections, lupus, cancer, pneumothorax, and pulmonary embolism. This is a serious condition that requires you to seek medical advice immediately.

Lung Abscess

This is a common occurrence in many individuals, commonly known as pneumonia. It is a lung infection and can cause pleurisy and other chest pain experiences. People often experience pneumonia suddenly. It is caused by fungi, bacteria, or viral infections. The main symptoms are chills, cough, fever, fatigue, and shortness of breath.


This disease affects the sac around the heart. It is caused by inflammation or an infection. You will experience similar pains as angina. The main symptoms include sharp pain in the upper part of the neck, pain in the shoulder, fatigue, fever, and shortness of breath. It starts as steady pain, but it can get worse with time.

When to Visit Your Doctor

Sometimes, you may not know how serious the condition is, especially when it happens suddenly. In this case, it is advisable to see your doctor as soon as possible. Get in touch with your doctor for an examination. They will run several tests to establish the root cause of your condition. Consult your doctor to learn more about how to manage chest pains.

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