Traveling is one of the best ways to spend their leisure time. It is one of the most beautiful adventures that motivates you to grow personally, acquire necessary skills (such as languages and communication), and simply have fun. On top of that, traveling has
proven itself to positively stimulate your mental and physical health, no matter how tired you are. So, relieving stress by having a good trip is totally worth it. Sometimes, the journey can be so good that you might even want to share your experiences with others in your blog or with your fellow students in college. At the same time, putting it on paper can be more challenging than it seems. Still, there are a few ways you can do that.

The Experience Worth a (Few) Thousand Words
Thinking and recollecting your journey is quite an easy and pleasant thing to do. But what happens when you have to put it down on paper using your hand or keyboard? You may not know where to start. Everything was great, so you want to tell your reader it all. Or you can get overwhelmed with emotion and just not find the words to describe how awesome it was. Still, your story is worth telling, and I would like to share your experiences. 10 Tips for Travel Essay Writing
There’s no need to worry. However, story writing is not the most straightforward feat and certainly differs from storytelling. To be a good story writer, you must tell your story and make sure it looks fine on paper, which can be challenging. About a dozen professional writers from TopWritersReview said nearly the same thing when asked. Storywriting is something you can and should constantly learn. And to do this, you should seriously consider some of the following.
- Reading a lot. You don’t have to read all about traveling (though reading about it quite often is a huge plus), but you should keep your mind well-fed with reading. This way, you’ll understand how the narrative builds up and how it looks in its frozen state on paper.
- Setting yourself up very well. Knowing your story is excellent, but being able to organize it is much better. Choose the best moments from your journey to write about, decide why you wrote the story first, and what your readers can take away from that. By doing so, you’ll never get confused and lost in your thoughts and ideas.
- The show, don’t tell. Although storytelling has an element of the story, simply putting down the main events of your story on paper is not precisely what storytelling and writing are about. To make your story exciting and insightful and share your experiences fully, you must show what you have experienced. Vivid descriptions are some of the best friends of a good travel writer.
- Get a good start. Just as most books are judged by their covers (which is not necessarily correct, but still happens), most stories are characterized by a great intro. Tell your reader an anecdote or a joke, or simply create an irresistible first paragraph that will make your reader go on further.
- Set up a great voice. After you know what you want to write about and how you will tell your story, speak it confidently. Choose a proper tone and voice for your story that will engage the reader in your piece and present you as a reliable person who knows what they are talking about.
- Interact with your reader. One of the more incredible ways to keep your audience interested and make them read further is to speak to them directly. If you’re writing a non-academic piece, then provoking a dialogue between you and the reader is one of the first things you should consider.
- Look through the samples. If you get stuck and don’t know how to put words together, looking at how it’s done professionally is a good idea. It seems like everybody understands how story writing works today, and that’s why is there to help you. Seeing how a perfect essay on your topic is organized and written will boost your writing, too.
- Write in a non-linear fashion. Sometimes, it’s much easier to just record your stream of consciousness and then slightly edit it for the reader to perceive holistically. And sometimes, it actually works. Insert some short stories as you describe the places you’ve been to, refer to other places, or add something that simply comes to your mind and that you think will fit nicely at a particular point.
- Whenever you provide something as a fact, check it first. You might have encountered a particular situation or have been told something about the country by the locals. Yet, either simply report this or check the facts if you don’t want to mention somebody or provide your opinion.
- Proofread. No need to say that no matter how well the story is written and organized, it can easily be ruined by a few typos or messed-up grammar structures. So, proofread your story a few times before making it public.
Taking Your Audience Onboard
The main idea of good travel writing is to take your audience with you. As readers go through the story, they must walk through all the places you describe. At the same time, they must not be overwhelmed with information, or they’ll just read until the end. Keep it exciting, vivid, short, straightforward, and most importantly, sincere. And you’ll be assured that you’ll be read and expected to write more.