Some things can never be stopped by just saying no or by things that you would not expect to happen in a period. Fraudulent people and scammers have been in businesses to cause lots of problems. That is why understanding how they do things will be a good start in knowing and removing these kinds of behavior from your businesses.

Return Fraud has been problematic to businesses since there are things that they can’t control, mainly when they still accept returned items. Some times returned items are already damaged and have been overused by the customers. That is why return fraud is one of the most problematic acts, especially in stores where they sell gadgets, equipment, and materials that can be used inside or outside the homes.
The Difference between Return Scam and Return Fraud.
Return scam, on the other hand, is also a bad act since these people will return the wrong products or even create their own documents similar to what the store has released to just return an item and get money out of it even without buying that product from the store actually. Return scams are just too bad for a business, especially for startups, since they will take out more of the income since you will not be able to sell the item again because, in the first place, that was not from your business.
There are acts like these return scams and return Fraud that can never be forgiven since they can destroy businesses and dreams. They are just gonna hang in there and take everything from those who have been building efforts and hard work.
These are acts that need to be checked by law enforcement since they can destroy businesses and people's dreams to succeed in business. There are a lot of things that these kinds of acts can damage and ruin, and it might cause an employee to be removed from his or her job because of someone trying to return or scam him or her on an item that was not even from the store.

Some things are beyond everyone’s control. That is why there is a need to properly enforce
the law on these kinds of acts to totally control this behavior. These are essential roles for the law now to help businesses control these kinds of things so they do not happen again since these kinds of acts might be used in big-time scamming and fraud.