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How to calculate the cost of basement waterproofing in Toronto?

basement waterproofing
When you talk about basement waterproofing, it is not one solution fit all scheme. There are a lot of parameters which play a vital role here like the age of your foundation, its depth, kind and quality of material used, amount of repair needed, access to house parameter, type of soil and if the excavation can be done manually or not. Once you add all these up, they help you to determine the basement waterproofing cost in Toronto.

If you are in need of exterior basement waterproofing, the contractor will first dig the available space down and around the foundation walls.

The dug up space will help you in finding out if an excavator needs to be used or the soil can be dug manually. If you dig it manually, then it increases the manual labour and length of the project and certainly the price.

The landscape surrounding the house also needs to be cleared before the digging. This further adds to the cost, depending if you wish to remove it with the intent of replanting and reinstalling it after the waterproofing procedure.

It is important about the type of soil and the depth which needs to be dug. More the manual labour is needed; the longer the timeline of the project, the higher will be the cost.

As per your foundations’ condition, if there have been crevices and cracks, then it can further enhance the cost of the project. The condition of the foundation is a major thing when you talk about structural integrity and crack repair.

These aspects add to the overall basement waterproofing cost but the most essential one is the material you are going to use. When you are in conversation with companies for their quotes on your waterproofing project, it is important to find out what waterproofing material will the contractor be using. Different materials yield different security. Some basement waterproofing companies will sell you services under the name of damp-roofing but it will not prevent water intrusion. So, remember the cheapest quote may not be the best.

If your property doesn’t have sufficient space around it to be dug to go for exterior basement waterproofing, then you can choose interior basement waterproofing scheme, though the procedure is costlier and complicated. You may have to remove the drywall and flooring and dig part of concrete subfloor to install an internal weeping tile along with sump pump system.

The cost of basement waterproofing may range between $1,000 to $25,000 but sometimes can go as high as $50,000 depending on the different factors mentioned above. Both external and internal waterproofing is a big job and should be only done by professionals.

At, we offer you with free on-site inspection and assess your property so give you step by step guidance and a breakdown of price estimate. We will tell you all the options available to you and guide you the right steps. So consult us for all types of basement leakage issues and get instant help.

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