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6 Reasons playing outdoor is really important for kids

playing outdoor
Childhood was one of the most beautiful phases in life. We all miss those golden days where the world was not as dependent on technology it is today. However, in the past few months, the world has been currently trying to face the pandemic. We have been locked inside our homes and the kids who should have been outdoor playing and enjoying, are now dependent on technology for everything including studies.

This schooling and playing from home culture are not really a post-pandemic thing but this pandemic has surely pushed the kids towards the technology furthermore. According to a survey, the pandemic has resulted in a considerable increase in the number of daily digital gamers: from 19 million in early March to a record high of 23.5 million in early April.

So, let us talk about why kids need to go back to the pre-pandemic days or rather start playing outdoors and not be dependent on technology for their entertainment.

Six Crucial Benefits of Children playing outdoor

1. Physically Healthy & Fit

Nothing is better than running, jumping, throwing balls, catching, pulling things, lifting, and carrying objects, in short, all actions including those mentioned that require motor skills and practice contribute to the good health of children.

For instance, the sun provides us with Vitamin D in the body and is a very vital element required by children for the development of their body as it helps them with stronger bones and less likelihood of chronic diseases. Sun exposure also helps in giving a healthy sleep, thus, removing the dangers of insomnia which are prevalent among the majority of children.

2. Improved senses

A research study shows that children who play outside regularly have better distance vision than children who are always indoors. For instance, consider a kid’s delight at seeing new animals (sight), stopping by a garden of fragrant flowers (smell and touch), watching the water form puddles for stomping (hearing and touch), or eating a berry from a bush (taste).

In contrast to this, a kid who is stuck to television and electronic devices uses only two senses (hearing and sight) resulting in a negative development of perceptual abilities.

3. Social/Emotional Development

Outdoor games help kids learn to take turns, share, and develop other positive behavioral skills. Games that are unstructured are more likely to be inventive, explore, and learn about the world around them, and use their own abilities.

Interactions amongst each other help children improve their communication, cooperation, and organizational skills. These are the skills that help children plan, prioritize, troubleshoot, negotiate, and multitask. In addition to it, stress level decreases with fresh air.

4. Improved Attention and Focus

Regular outdoor playing makes children more curious, self-directed, and likely to stay with a task longer with improved focus. Those with little exposure to outdoor activities requiring their own initiation and follow-through, and who spend most of their time indoors show less ability to initiate or participate in newer activities.

Study shows that children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and spent sufficient time outdoors were subjected to fewer symptoms in comparison to children who were most exposed to indoor activities.

5. Happiness and Immunity

Outdoor light stimulates the pineal gland. This part of the brain is crucial to keep our immune system strong and make us feel happier. The pandemic which we face today has already affected many children and pushed them to multiple psychological disorders including depression, mood swings, and whatnot.

Spending sufficient time in nature contributes to improving your mood and happiness. In addition to it, children who have lived among nature are more likely to become adults who appreciate nature and contribute to protecting the environment.

6. Increase Risk-Taking

As parents, you might not be fine with your kid taking risks but it is a really important skill that needs to be inculcated in life until and unless it does not concern one’s safety. The lessons learned from failures and rejections like failing to climb a tree makes a kid strong and eager to achieve success.

For help in outdoor playing equipment, check out Lifespan Kids that supplies you with excellent, innovative, and a big range of high quality but affordable kids’ outdoor play equipment.

Over to you…

So, these were the six vital reasons why you need to send your children outdoors for playing. We are aware of the pandemic that the entire world is facing but if proper precautions are taken, the new normal can be shifted to the old normal once again.

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