Undergoing facelift surgery can be life-changing. Your signs of aging can finally disappear. Usually, a facelift mainly focuses on the sagging skin of the cheeks, excessive facial crease, slack jaw, or neckline. It reshapes or contours the lower two-thirds of the face. The most common reason people get a facelift is to help reverse the signs of aging and damage to the skin.

If you consider undergoing a facelift, it may take a few months to see the final results. But once the procedure is completed, you’ll need plenty of downtimes to ensure you heal correctly. The recovery time for facelift surgery is relatively quick and depends on factors such as age, health, and the exact procedure type performed on the patient.
You can expect specific instructions on how to take care of the drains and other concerns that may impact your general health. Check out the following five best tips to put you on the road to a safe and speedy facelift recovery.
Follow your plastic surgeon’s instructions.
Generally, you will receive an extensive list of instructions during your hospital stay. You should follow these instructions both before and after the surgery. The list may include foods, habits, and medications to avoid during your facelift journey. You may also find details on bandage removal, drainage care, showering, and follow-up consultations. All the instructions will help you prevent discomfort post-surgery and heal properly. Following your plastic surgeon’s advice is essential to enjoy stress-free and speedy recoveries. Remember, everyone heals differently, so the instructions provided to you will be specific to your needs.
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Stay elevated
Keeping your head elevated will reduce swelling and promote healing. Keep your head elevated (30 to 40 degrees) when resting for four to five days after the surgery. Make sure not to use a pillow since this may create pressure on your ears. A recliner is a great option to keep your head well-elevated during recovery. You may also use a blanket or firm towels. It is essential to stay elevated during your recovery period while sleeping. This ensures more blood flow away from the face leading to a speedier facelift recovery.
Avoid makeup
Only use makeup once your plastic surgeon allows you to do so. Any sort of makeup applied to the fresh sutures may lead to the formation of a permanent tattoo. It may leave shadows and make your scars more noticeable. Besides, the pressure and motion of putting on makeup can also irritate the face, split incisions, and impact your recovery. After facelift surgery, you should wait at least ten days before applying heavy makeup. Once you start healing, use skincare and makeup products that are tried and true.
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Avoid sun exposure
During the first three or four months after surgery, you’ll be more sensitive to the sun and more vulnerable to sunburn. Besides, exposing yourself to
UV rays may also intensify scarring or discoloration. Your face may stay red for many months, making it look unattractive and resulting in a bothersome recovery. Stay indoors as much as possible. If you must be in the sun, do not leave without applying sunscreen or sunblock with an SPF of 15 or higher to the face. Consistent applications are usually recommended. You can also consider wearing a wide-brimmed hat while outdoors.
Stop smoking
Smoking and facelift surgery do not go well. The residual nicotine in your blood system causes the skin’s tiny blood vessels to constrict or clamp down. This can lead to a loss of blood supply to the newly lifted skin and cause complications like increased risk of infection, poor wound healing, longer-lasting bruises, red scars, and raised. It is recommended that one not smoke for at least two weeks before the surgery and even during recovery. Not smoking after surgery helps the blood carry oxygen to healing tissues.
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Bonus tips for a speedier recovery:
- Drink plenty of water
- Consume plenty of proteins, vitamins, and minerals
- Take only the prescribed medications for pain.
- Take a lot of rest
- Make sure to clean your stitches regularly.
- Hold back from scratching your face.
- Avoid lifting, bending over, and strenuous activity for four weeks.
- Do not use ice packs on your face.
If you think about getting a facelift, research well about the surgery. Follow all the instructions your plastic surgeon provides and take all the necessary precautions. Be sure to attend all follow-up appointments regardless of how you feel. Communicating with your plastic surgeon about all your concerns and issues that scare you is crucial. Your surgeon needs to monitor your progress. Let them know about the post-surgery symptoms to go through the most effortless facelift recovery process and obtain the best possible outcome.