No one wants to test COVID-19 positive! Even a healthy person can follow wellness guidelines to live more healthily. Stress and anxiety are common during this pandemic phase. The increasing community contamination and deaths because of the pandemic has made people fearful of life. Panic and stress can lead to increased heart rate and also creates muscle tension and body aches. You must heal yourself from this condition by following acceptable wellness practices.
Most people think that a health course correction or healing is an impossible feat. The truth is you need to create a routine and stick to it diligently.
Michael Giannulis suggests some of the best wellness guidelines about food that can heal people better.
Cook yourself a healthy morning meal
The morning meal decides the energy of the entire day! Do you enjoy your brunch or breakfast the most? If yes, you can start by paying more attention to it. It would help if you never ate your morning meal as a compulsion. Instead, you should enjoy the same and cook it by giving it full focus. It will make your morning meal healthy for you. You can start by consuming oats, cereal and mix fruits with it. You can also make a rolled oats smoothie and add fruits like pomegranate, avocado, banana, apple, and seeds and nuts. It will allow you to stay fit and eat a nutrient-rich platter.
Add more zinc-rich food and vitamin C to your diet
The only way to stay away from the virus is to ensure you have the right immunity level. You can boost your immunity by consuming more vitamin C and zinc-rich foods. For this, you can eat Greek yogurt, lentils, kale, mushrooms and chicken. It can help to increase your zinc intake. If you want to eat more vitamin C, you can eat more cabbage, broccoli, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, spinach and various other leafy greens. It will clean all the toxins in the body and will also help to boost your immunity.
Drink herbal tea
You can drink herbal tea and other similar concoctions to bring down stress. One of the best teas to choose from is jasmine and chamomile tea. It can bring down anxiety and boost immunity. That aside, it can also allow you to sleep better, minimize stomach issues, enhance digestion, reduce acidity level, and bring down muscle spasms. You can drink herbal tea a few times a day to get the benefits.
You need to drink plenty of water
You can't heal
your body through water and food if you fail to drink the right water amount. Water is essential for the body and helps to flush out all the impurities, germs and toxins from the body. You need to check with your doctor on the amount of water you need to consume in a day and drink that amount.
Our food intake helps to heal our bodies. It is essential to keep the body at an alkaline state to keep our immunity levels high. The guidelines mentioned above will help you to stay fit and healthy with food.