The video making rounds on Twitter, traffic office stop the taxi driver at gunpoint. The motive behind the arrest still unknown. Twitter users not happy with the fact traffic office using a weapon and put a knee on the neck of a taxi driver. The drive seems to resist the arrest. See below tweet.
The caption on the video "This happened in George, Western Cape." shows the incident that happens in Western Cape
This happened in George, Western Cape. (Part 1)
— K U L A N I (@kulanicool) November 9, 2020
(Part 2)
— K U L A N I (@kulanicool) November 9, 2020
City of Cape Town, responded that the incident falls under the George Municipality and not the City of Cape Town.I do not see anything wrong here, the guy was resisting an arrest and the law enforcers had to apply minimum force to put him under control, maybe we can argue that they were a bit extreme, but still. @CityofCT can issue a statement, not @Official_MUNRSA/ @SAPoliceService.
— Nhlanhla Sizani (@Nhlanhla_Sizani) November 9, 2020
Hi there, please be advised as per the initial tweet this took place in George. George falls under the George Municipality and not the City of Cape Town. Thank you.
— City of Cape Town (@CityofCT) November 9, 2020