Social media users were left shaken after allegations were made that certain celebrities and influencers used snakes to attain wealth. This led to an old video surfacing which showed a snake slithering through someone's lounge. The footage was shared by Sbahle Mpisane, daughter to the millionaire businesswoman Shauwn Mkhize. Of course speculation was rife that the family's source of wealth stemmed from that massive snake as the video was re-circulated on social media. Many even suggested that the snake may have helped Sbahle's healing process after she suffered the unfortunate car accident 2 years ago.
Twitter user
LollyMkunqwana said: "Bet you wouldn’t find this “Yhooo” worthy if the man was white. Pet snakes are nothing unusual"
alicia_as2 said: "Imagine you visiting a friend, then this happens. I would die on the spot"
Shnackk_ said: "I remember she got into an "accident" after posting this"
However, it has been discovered that Sbahle was merely re-posting a video by Instagram user TheRealTarzan. Mpisane does not own the snake that has left Mzansi social media users so shook. previously reported that controversial author
Jackie Phamotse is trending on social media after she dropped a video discussing some very dark things. The media personality accused certain famous faces of using snakes and witchcraft to achieve success.