CBD, THC, hemp, biomass, cannabidiol, terpenes and many more terms that swirl around in regard to this industry may have an element of confusion. But the hemp plant biomass is one very important aspect that affects the sustainability of the ecosystem of our world.
Hemp Plant Biomass is Waste Free – The What of Hemp Biomass
Hemp biomass has a hay-like smell because it is generally machine dried rather than going through a natural curing process. Hemp biomass includes the sugar leaves and sometimes the stalks and larger leaves then it is milled before extraction. CBD products come mainly from the hemp flower or hemp bud. That leaves a large part of the plant as biomass. The farmers who grow hemp can figure that an acre has the capacity to produce about 1,500 pounds of biomass.
Producers use hemp biomass for two main purposes – converted and used as fuel or used to extract CBD isolate, CBD distillate or hemp oils.
Hemp Plant Biomass is Waste Free – Renewable Energy
Hemp is a durable crop because of its versatility and its hardiness. It thrives in all types of soil, in long or short growing seasons, in dry or rainy regions and it even purifies the soil it is grown in without harmful pesticides. Even what is considered “waste” or biomass of the hemp plant is utilized.
CBD hemp is organic material which goes through the same process of photosynthesis as other plants so absorbs the sun’s energy to use as its own. That process turns the great amount of biomass from the hemp plant into a source of renewable energy. Since hemp matures in about four months, the hemp biomass has become a substantial sustainable environmentally friendly fuel alternative.
CBD Hemp Biomass is Waste Free – The Biofuel of it All
For the hemp farmers cultivating this crop for biofuel employ a process known as pyrolysis whereby heat is applied to the plant to be converted into fuel. To be cost-effective, the facilities must be within 50 miles from where the crop is grown.
When hemp biomass is converted into fuel the waste coming from hemp is removed and made into carbon nanomaterial. This is used for operating high-powered batteries and supercapacitors for charging batteries fast in the braking system of vehicles.
Bio-coal is created from waste timber or biomass in a process called torrefaction. Wood may be the most common form of biomass fuel, but hemp biomass is a close second with just as many environmentally safe qualities. Hemp biomass has two ways of becoming fuel – burned as a direct fuel or converted to a liquid biofuel to be then used as a fuel.
CBD Hemp Biomass is Waste-Free – The Miracle Crop
If there was ever a miracle plant or crop, it would be hemp. Producers use hemp biomass for two main purposes:
- converted and used as fuel,
- the extraction of CBD isolate, CBD distillate or hemp oils.
Hemp is a durable crop because of its versatility and its hardiness. It thrives in all types of soil, in long or short growing seasons, in dry or rainy regions and it even purifies the soil it is grown in without harmful pesticides.
If you want more information on all things CBD, read other posts here on our
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