The propensity to produce business cards themselves with the help of online printing services is very interesting but somewhat unsettling. With a few exceptions, it is fairly easy to recognize an inexpensive card. What impression does your economy card send to potential customers? Are you really benefiting from saving a nominal amount of expenses? With the right business cards, you can create a positive brand image for your business and this can be done effectively by having high-quality
print and design solutions.
Cheap is not very good for positive first impressions. Follow these tips to end up with great business cards that leave a lasting impression.
Hire a professional graphic designer
This is really the best option unless you have the essential skills to design the business cards yourself. Preferably, the same designer will also make designs for other business promotion tools, such as your brochures, letterheads, and website. The biggest advantage would be that your brand image will remain consistent.
Keep things simple
Business cards are typically a standard size, 3.5 x 2, so you have limited space to work. Keep your logo appropriately sized, make font size easy to read, and overcome the need to cover all-white space.
Follow the standard card size.
Well, unless you're an adventurous type! Look for other ways to differentiate your standard size card. Use curved corners, choose a complicated shape, maybe round, which would be very memorable. However, remember that it will not fit in a standard size cardholder. Go for an unconventional style only if you are willing to trade ease for memorability.
Be meticulous when choosing what goes on the card.
The most important item, of course, is your name, followed by your business name, contact numbers, and obviously the business website address. Follow the first rule of thumb
for graphic design and avoid clutter. Simple, clean cards always work.
Reverse side blank
Although preferably kept blank, you can use the reverse for less significant information. Few, if any, people will turn your card over to see what is printed on the back. If you're sure you want something on the back, use supplemental information, such as your organization's mission statement. Remember that although your card is a branding tool, it is not an advertising tool.
The bottom line
Think carefully about what you are looking for on other people's calling cards as you make important decisions. When key information cannot be found, is it frustrating? Or small print, with a difficult to read font? Do cheap production cards ruin your impression of an individual or organization?
Don't repeat any of the mistakes you've noticed on other people's business cards. Your card is a reflection of your organization and, obviously, of you. Make sure your card reflects your well-defined brand identity. If you are looking for assistance with your business card needs in Dubai, consult with business card printers in Dubai for more personalized advice.
Required education
Currently, there are bachelor's degrees in graphic design. There is the option of taking certification courses from good training centers or specialized art schools. The choice between the two is totally dependent on the choice of an individual. University options are more comprehensive, while specialized centers are more focused. Just make sure you have an energetic wallet and some awesome graphic pieces that you can take genuine credit for.
What are my options?
Well, the options are endless! With a qualification in this area, you can search for work and specialize in logos, book designs, book covers, illustration, art, or photo editing. You could specialize in one or more of these skills and make a career!
Most training programs would provide students with modules that can help increase the attractiveness of various designs. This involves much more than just becoming familiar with imaging concepts; disciplines such as sociology and psychology are also important.
According to information provided by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, the demand for graphic designers is expected to increase by about ten percent in the next decade. The job growth will occur in companies that focus on electronic content. It is worth noting that much lower level jobs have been outsourced to foreign markets where wage demands are much lower.
The data indicates that in May 2009, people with this profile in the US had a median salary of 41,000 pounds. With experience, this number increases to more than 60,000 pounds. The actual salary will depend on the nature of the employer and the location.
There is always the option to work as a freelancer in graphic design. You may be given several financially rewarding projects to complete by advertising your services online. If you can put together a website that is extremely attractive, this in itself would be a show of your talent.
Not all graphic designers are created equal. Each has their own unique styles and creative ideas about design. You should always request inquiries to see what companies can do for you before committing to work with them. The first company you meet may not meet your expectations, so be prepared for this. By taking the time to find out exactly what each company has to offer and how its capabilities fit your needs, it will be much easier to find the ideal service for your company.
Sometimes there is no choice but to hire professional graphic designers. When you're not crafty or creative, or when your business really needs some extra help, these professionals will be there for you. They can take care of all kinds of needs, from a basic logo design project to a full marketing campaign. Your ideal solution is to find a company that can do it all in one so that you can minimize your outsourcing needs and maximize your results with graphic design and their assistance with marketing, visibility, and the ultimate success of your business. Keep these things in mind, and you shouldn't have a problem finding the right services at all times.