Boity Thulo's ancestral name has left Mzansi confused. The rapper recently took to twitter to share her official ancestral name. The media personality revealed that tweeps can now call her Gogo Nomakhwezi. Boity tweeted on Sunday, 1 November: "You can officially refer to me as Gogo Nomakhwezi. Thokozani."
Many tweeps took to her comment section to question her why the name is Zulu. They wanted to know why she didn't get a Tswana name after completing her traditional training. Some tweeps shared hilarious reactions to the stunner's post. They asked for love portions while others asked her for traditional medicine to find work.
Boity had to defend herself and let the peeps know that both her maternal and paternal grandmothers are Xhosa, hence the name Gogo Nomakhwezi.
Boity, who has been training to be a sangoma since 2016, previously told Glamour magazine in an interview that her ancestral journey is private. "Yes I did go thwasa but I’m not going to practice as a sangoma. This is a very sensitive matter that I don’t want to talk about in the media. It’s a personal matter and way too deep to be reduced into a celebrity gossip in the newspaper. It’s a secret. It’s so much deeper."
Check out some of the comments from tweeps who have reacted to Boity's post:
@Snathy_tus wrote: "So you didn't have a Tswana title? Like Gogo MmaKganye..."
@vkai27 commented: "So which type of Gogo are you, the flying by night or the lightning one?"
@WandileJaku said: "I thought you're Tswana mos."
@Ndosman_SA wrote: "I want to hear a verse with 'I'm Gogo Nomakhwezi'."
@1223theone added: "It's funny how people are so touched by her name."