Every domain included in the exam objectives is important and that the candidates should prepare each of them accordingly. One of the most important and essential components for the preparation which provides the right material for the subtopics is a certified Kubernetes administrator cka exam study guide which includes all of the domains that are important. Every domain has a specific amount of content which will be included in the test which is shown in percentage below along with the explanation of each domain.
Domain 1 (application lifecycle management)
- The domain 1 is included in only 8 % of the subtopics that are included.
- This domain covers the basic needs that are required for development of self-healing software.
- Information about the scaling applications is included.
- The deployment and performance of rolling up and rolling backs of the updates.
- Study about application configurations in many different ways.
Domain 2 (configuration, validation and installation)
- The second domain includes 12 % which is a lot of subtopics covered under this domain.
- Using kubeadm for installing, configuring and managing the Kubernetes clusters.
- The most important subtopic is knowing about how to design a Kubernetes cluster and installing Kubernetes master and nodes.
- Knowledge about running node end to end tests and end-to-end tests on the clusters and analyzing end to end results.
- Selection of a network Kubernetes infrastructure configuration along with a network solution.
- Knowing about the sources for Kubernetes release binary.
- Provisioning the underlying infrastructure for deployment of the cluster.
- Configuring secure cluster communication and a Kubernetes cluster with good and high availability
Domain 3 (basic concepts)
- The third domain makes up a 9 %.
- It is very important to know all the core concepts which include a thorough understanding of services and network primitives of other servers.
- Knowledge and understanding of Kubernetes cluster architecture and API primitives.
Domain 4 (networking)
- Domain 4 makes up almost 11 %.
- The networking configuration on the cluster nodes must be understood.
- Understanding of service networking, CNI and pod networking concepts.
- Knowing the Use of ingress rules and cluster DNS along with its configuration.
- Configuration and deployment of network load balancer.
Domain 5 (scheduling)
- The fifth domain makes up 5 percent. Getting information about scheduling is very important.
- This includes using label sectors for scheduling pods. And the effect of resource limiting on it.
- The display of scheduler events
- The method of running multiple schedulers and configuring pods for using them.
- How to schedule a pod without a scheduler
- Role of daemon Sets
Domain 6 (security)
- The domain 6 makes up about 12%. Knowing about the security is very important
- The knowledge of methods that are used for authorization and authentication.
- The basic definitions of security context and understanding the security primitives of Kubernetes.
- Using high security for working with all the pictures and images.
- For the cluster components Knowing about the management and creation of TLS certificates.
- Configurations of network policies is also very important.
Domain 7 (cluster maintenance)
- The domain 7 is 11%.
- The maintenance of clusters is very important which includes working for upgrading the operating systems.
- Knowing how the Kubernetes upgrading process works.
- Putting up ideas for restoring the data and backup methods.
Domain 8 (monitoring and logging)- The eighth domain makes up only 5%.
- Knowing how to monitor all the components of the cluster and methods/ ways for monitoring applications.
- Managing all the logins and all the log outs in the applications.
- Managing the cluster component logs.
Domain 9 (storage)
- Domain 9 of storage makes up a 7%.
- The Kubernetes storage objects.
- Knowing about how to configure applications with tenacious storage.
- Modes of volume and persistent volume claims bases.
Domain 10 (troubleshooting)
- The last and 10th domain of troubleshooting is a 10%
- It involves knowing about troubleshooting networking.
- Control plane failures.
- Troubleshooting failure of worker node.
- A complete guide to Kubernetes administrator (CKA) exam
The Kubernetes administrator (CKA) exam opens a lot of doors for success for the candidates thus preparing them in a right way is very important by keeping in view the following steps given below the students will feel it a lot easier to prepare for Kubernetes administrator (CKA) exam and clear it.
Steps for best preparation of Kubernetes administrator (CKA) exam
The first and the most important thing is to go through the exam guide that is given. It can be found on the CNCF. After the exam guide training for the exam is also important by taking online training courses. There are many training courses that are present on other websites like CertsLand.com which also provide proper training and guidance for Kubernetes administrator (CKA) exam. If the candidates become used to the exam console for exam preparation it would be much easier for them. Using the notepad feature will help in the subjective preparations. If the candidates are more familiar with the Linux command line for ensuring that they are able to master the administrator questions. The use of text editors and shortcut keys for saving time can be helpful but not too much. Taking time out to test yourself and check the results of your practice before the exam is very important. The candidates should start the preparation from the basics and then move to the advanced and technical terminologies.
The Kubernetes administrator (CKA) exam will take you to the peak of your career and will develop it in the best way possible. Our website is providing the best training sessions online for practicing the exam. Being physically healthy and stress free is also a key to success. There is always a second chance if you feel like you did not give your best in the first try you can get a second attempt for the Kubernetes administrator (CKA) exam.