Zenande Mfenyana is currently trending on social media after she spoke badly about helpers online. The Queen actress took to Twitter on Wednesday, 28 October and told her fans that helpers are "exhausting".
"Helpers are exhausting. Yerrr!!!"
Tweeps have slammed the star for the "tone" of her post. The new mom has deleted the tweet but the screenshot of her post is currently doing the rounds on the micro-blogging app. Zenande had tweeted:
@Penelope_Makala wrote: "Those helpers you’re referring to are our mothers and aunts. Sit another woman/person down to talk when you have problems and concerns. The tone of this tweet is really unnecessary. Tweeting about it won’t change anything."
@_ShaunKeyz commented: "Zenande is the type of employer who abuses house helpers, you can tell by her tweet."
@MahlodiJR said: "I'm disturbed with the tweet. I don't take sides but other things are better left unsaid. How would her helper feel when she sees this tweet?"
@NxumaloTutuh wrote: "Working for Zenande must be toxic. She sounds like those toxic employers who make helpers wash panties... Our parents go through a lot shame."
@Gagashe_B said: "I was raised by a mom who only came home once or twice a month working as a helper. @Zenande_Mcfen don't do this."
@PearLerato added: "I respect helpers. The amount of work they do is not equal to the amount of money they earn. They deserve more. Maybe helpers are exhausted Zenande.