Modernization and updated information technology have greatly changed the world, and the education system is not other than that. We are experiencing revolutionary changes, like getting online university classes and exams. Most of the book is available on the various types of web stores. Some websites are working for the people who want their compositions available to the rest of the world. However, in COVID-19, we all face a typical phase: a lockdown. We all are stuck at home like the animals in the zoo. After a certain period, when people realized that this lockdown would be harsh on their daily routines, they started massively using the online method to complete their work. Moreover, a few years back, only universities took online or virtual classes; nonetheless, many high schools are taking classes remotely today.
If we consider the lockdown phase, this remote learning has assisted enormously in continuing the study. Hence, the feedback from parents was majorly positive. However, some parents claimed a few negative words, and enormous research started. And somehow, those parents are not wrong. Besides, researchers had to disclose the challenges of remote learning and the essential steps parents should take.
1. Distractions
When a person works from home, many stresses bother an individual's mind. For example, if the employee is male, he has the tension of shopping for food, having a wife, etc. If the employee is female, she must consider the kid/s, the room decorating, preparing food for the family members, and many more. Like adults, kids and juveniles also suffer from these issues, and their mind-distracting points are TV, games, social media websites, etc.
2. Prevention
The only possible prevention is to make the lesson-providing sessions more interactive. And children always find the fun part of the lesson. So, each lesson should be as charming as amusing. Another worthy try step is grouping, competition, and rewarding. The Reward system always works significantly to motivate someone, and competition among the children by the grouping system has shown fruitful results.
3. Staring at the Screen for Longer Period
When a child starts an online class, the time of viewing the screen increases drastically. Generally, kids nowadays prefer shows and games rather than outdoor games. Hence, the time for staring at the screen increases. It does not make the brain caged by decreasing their views; it hampers the eyesight and the ability to think broadly.
4. Prevention
Parents need to determine the kids' schedules, and the schedules must consist of several breaks for at least 15 minutes during the class and rejoining the new class or entertainment session. Properly implementing schedules creates awareness about time and its appropriate management in the children's behaviors. And verily, a disciplined routine holder has a higher chance to prosper than a lazy person.
5. Need for Company
When children go to school to attend classes, they find their classmates and friends. And it creates competition among the children indirectly and motivates them. In a class, they can share problems they cannot share with their instructors. Attending class from home is the opposite of these conditions.
6. Prevention:
The only way to make the children comfortable is for parents to be as friendly as their classmates.
Often, it is one of the major problems that students face in various technical issues like wi-fi connection problems, gadget issues, and many more. Parents need to pay attention to these technical parts as well. Endwise, distance or remote learning is highly beneficial if all the operations go well.