Regardless of your level of fitness, practicing yoga is among the best ways to look good, maintain health, and feel terrific. However, if you are a novice to the world of
yoga burn, knowing where to sta brt can be difficult. Do not let this intimidate you.
Just read this handy guide and you will soon be reaping the benefits of a good yoga routine.Finding a suitable class
If possible, it is best to have a real-life, in-the-flesh, teacher when getting started with yoga. However, if that is not an option for you, a quality online yoga class for beginners can be almost as good. Look for a class that is suited to your particular needs. For instance, if you do not have a lot of spare time, look for short class periods. Be sure to join a class that fully explains how to properly execute each pose in order to reap the full benefits.
Choose the yoga type best suited to your goals
There are different types of yoga and each is suited to different goals. If you are seeking relaxation and stress relief, you will want a gentle form of yoga such as Hatha, chair, or restorative yoga. If cardio and physical fitness are your goals, flowing or vinyasa yoga is better. A primary element of vinyasa yoga is the mixing of breath with movement. All forms of yoga will increase flexibility and strength.
Dress in loose comfortable clothes
It is probable that you will find yourself upside down, or with your body bent completely over, so wearing proper attire will spare you from exposing more than you want, and from squirming around due to restrictive garments. According to this website, yoga requires you to stretch in various directions so you should not wear anything that restricts movement or digs in -- this is just as true for your undergarments as it is for the clothing you wear on the outside. You may want to consider tops that will not fall over your head during a shoulder stand, pants made from a breathable fabric and wick moisture away from the body, and underwear that are flexible and offers antimicrobial properties.
Respect your body and your limitations
Ahimsa, the art of doing no harm. Avoid doing anything that does not feel safe. Speak with a trusted health professional or your teacher if you have a severe medical condition, are pregnant, or have spine or knee injuries. Inquire about which poses will benefit you and which ones you should avoid. For instance, there are some poses that you should not practice during menstruation, with particular injuries, or during the first trimester of pregnancy, and there are other poses that could be quite beneficial in these circumstances.
Be aware of your breathing
Although different yoga instructors may teach different breathing techniques, in reality, it is all the same. The actual breathing exercise is important, but what is more important is learning the awareness of breath. Regardless if you are inhaling during a relaxing pose or forcefully exhaling through your mouth during a Kundalini yoga session, the link between breath and awareness is among the most helpful facets of yoga for newbies. Just beginning to notice your exhale and inhale can result in enhanced sleep, decreased stress, and awareness of the current moment.
Practice on an empty stomach
It is ideal to wait a minimum of 2 to 3 hours after eating or practice on an empty stomach. When engaging in yoga, you are more tuned-in to every meticulous feeling of your body. Practicing with full stomach results in uncomfortable feelings. Consuming food before doing yoga can interfere with digestion and result in feeling heavy. Additionally, it is recommended to drink plenty of water throughout the day to flush out toxins released during your yoga session.
Practice frequently
Short yoga sessions performed frequently produce better results than long sessions performed occasionally. A few carefully selected poses performed in just 15 minutes daily can have a highly positive effect on your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. You will gain more benefits from a regular routine because your body becomes familiar and comfortable with the exercise and gradually increases flexibility and becomes keenly aware of every sensation.
If you have never practiced yoga before, adapting to the new routine can be challenging. However, following the tips above will make it easier to get started. Practicing yoga will bring you peace of mind as well as improved mental, physical, and emotional health. Best of all, anyone, even those of us who are not in the best of shape, can practice yoga.