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GTA 6 release date, news and rumors we know so far

GTA 6 release date,
You read it, write! The most anticipated game that everyone adores is around the corner, and rumors say it may fall upon us very soon in the next decade. As per the leaks, GTA 6 development had been started a long time ago, in 2012, but there was a delay as Rockstar games had their focus on Red Dead Redemption 2.

When is Grand Theft Auto VI's release date?

The actual development started in 2015, and since then, Rockstar has posted many new job openings that might be connected to the development of GTA 6. There isn't much concrete information on the workings of Grand Theft Auto VI. Here are some variations of GTA 6 cars that would be in the game.

As usual, the good folks at Rockstar aren't saying a word. Even so, there have been leaks, and there will be leaks again. We have yet to determine when it will be released, but it's safe to say GTA 6 will be exclusive to next-generation consoles such as PS5 and XBOX Series X.

As per the current timelines by Rockstar, the developers have started working on an improved GTA V. It will be designed for next-generation consoles. Due to the circumstances and restrictions imposed by COVID-19, plus the enhanced GTA 5, the GTA 6 release date timeline will be pushed further.

Considering all the constraints, it is safe to assume that Grand Theft Auto VI will not be released until late 2022 or early 2023.

GTA 6 Leaks & Rumors

Leaks about GTA 5 have been on sites like Reddit; many turned out to be accurate, while others didn't. Here's what the new and exciting GTA 6 may have in store. A Reddit user named jackOLantern1982 has posted in detail what will be included in the next Grand Theft Auto game.

GTA 6 Map

The codename for this project was "Project Americas". The map is said to have a new location entry as London and likely to have Vice City (probably for some missions). There was also a new fictional location based on Rio de Janeiro. The game is expected to be set in the 1970s-1980s. Along with missions to Liberty City, if all this is true, GTA 6 will have a map like we've never seen before.

GTA 6 Story

Heavily influenced by the hit Netflix series "Narcos," the game takes on the 70s and 80s vibe. You play as future drug lord Ricardo and run the streets of Vice City with locations supposedly taking place in Rio de Janeiro. A giant prison will also play a significant part in the game.

There have been many supposed leaks about a female protagonist. Still, the user sticks to the point that "Ricardo," a wannabe drug lord, will be the only protagonist, and another critical character, "Kacey," will be the narrator. Ricardo will start as a grunt doing runs as a cocaine smuggler from Vice City to the South American area before making connections with big-time drug lords and making his way up the ladder. If the rumors about Narcos turn out true, the fans will go crazy.

That's not all; it's also said this Grand Theft Auto will be far more realistic and challenging than before in that you will no longer be allowed to carry your arsenal of weapons in your pocket. Instead, you will need to put them in the trunk of your car. Even the weather will be more lifelike. It will be like Red Dead Redemption 2.

There will also be tons of subtitle readings, like watching an episode of Narcos. The game will feature a "chapter system" like Red Dead Redemption 2. Also, the leaks claim that the player's car will behave like Red Dead Redemption 2's horse, serving as mobile storage and transport.

The weather has a heavy focus, too, with all the hurricanes and floods. The buildings and vehicles will change over the eras, and vintage vehicle prices will also increase. The game's plot is said to be much like Breaking Bad and The Ozarks with a crazy twist. Also, it will have twice the number of dialogue as GTA 5.

You'll find plenty of predictions online, but as I stated before, everything is official, and all speculation once Rockstar decides to release it. The only guarantee is that Rockstar will make a new GTA; it will be superb and played on next-generation consoles PS5 and XBOX Series X.

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