Arthritis is the inflammation of joints. In simple words, it is the swelling and tenderness of joints and can affect one or more joints. It is also defined as a degenerative condition of the joints detected by inflammation and pain. Arthritis is a condition that can develop over time, but sometimes the symptom may suddenly appear due to certain factors. It is also a condition that worsens with age and is generally experienced by adults over 65 years of age. However, it can also be diagnosed in children, teens, and young adults.
According to statistics, it is commonly found in women than men and is high among those battling with obesity. There are different types of arthritis, but the two most common ones are Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Severe arthritis cases can prevent you from carrying out daily activities, particularly if your arms are affected and walking if it affects your legs. In other cases, it might lead to a twisted or deformed joint.
Causes of Arthritis
Different conditions and factors lead to arthritis but here are a few to note:
Cartilage reduction: cartilage is an elastic and durable connective tissue found in various areas of the body, especially the joints. The function of cartilage is to absorb shock and pressure created when you move your joint or put stress on it. A reduction in the average amount of cartilage can lead to arthritis.
Wear and tear of cartilage: when there are constant wear and tear of the joints cartilage, i.e., the hard slippery coating covering the end of the bone where it forms a joint. It leads to an arthritis condition called osteoarthritis. Cartilage aids the smooth movement of joints, especially ones that slide over each other without pain and restriction. The wear and tear of cartilage can occur over the years or maybe accelerated by infections or injury to the joints. Osteoarthritis worsens with age and leads to the degeneration of connective tissues and inflammation of joints.
Auto-immune disease: this occurs when the body’s immune system attacks the synovium, the tough membrane that surrounds the joints. This leads to a condition known as Rheumatoid arthritis. The exact cause of rheumatoid arthritis is unknown. Still, studies have shown that there are genetic markers that increase the chances of developing this condition. Rheumatoid arthritis can result in swollen joints or the destruction of cartilage, bones, and joints.
Symptoms of arthritis

People with arthritis may experience some of the following symptoms:
- Swelling, joint pains, and stiffness – these three are the most common symptoms of arthritis
- Morning Stiffness
- The decrease in range of motion
- Inflammation of the skin around the joint area
- Tiredness, decrease in red blood cells, slight fever, and loss of appetite. (those with rheumatoid arthritis commonly experience this).
- Joint deformity (caused by severe rheumatoid arthritis if left untreated)
Factors That Increases the Risk of Developing Arthritis

Certain factors increase the chances of you developing this condition:
Age: it has been shown that arthritis develops and worsens with age. Arthritis is commonly found in people above 65years of age and is rarely seen in children and teenagers.
Obesity: being overweight increases the chances of developing arthritis. This is because excess weight puts a strain on the joints, especially the hip, spine, and knees.
Sex: some common types of arthritis are associated with a particular sex. For example, women tend to develop rheumatoid arthritis. At the same time, men have a higher chance of developing gout a different kind of arthritis.
Family history: there is a higher chance of developing some types of arthritis if they are common in your family. Your gene has markers for this condition, which may be trigger by environmental factors.
Injury: Previous injuries sustained, whether during sports or accidents, can increase the risk of developing arthritis.
Reasons Why it is Important to Stay Active with Arthritis.

Staying active with arthritis can help reduce the pain and reduce the progression rate of the condition. Most people who have arthritis think that exercise routine will aggravate the pain, especially when there is a flare-up in this state. But This is not the case because mild exercise will help relieve the pain. Staying active will help mediate some of the effects of this condition.
- It helps maintain joint flexibility and mobility: staying active keeps the joint lubricated and aids mobility. Also, try out a couple of flexibility exercises to ease pain in the joint as it facilitates smooth movement.
- Strengthens muscles: some exercises such as yoga, weight lifting helps strengthen the muscles around the joints.
- Promotes blood circulation: it is known that exercise increases blood circulation in the body, and blood carries oxygen and nutrients to different parts of the body. In this case, it boosts circulation to the affected joint, which aids healings in those joints.
- Exercise improves balance for arthritis patients: most people with arthritis condition feel unsteady on their feet. However, there are practicing some balancing yoga techniques can help improve this.
- Delay progression of arthritis: regular exercise prevents further degeneration of affected joints.
Arthritis Step-by-Step Strategy
Arthritis step-by-Step strategy is a guide designed to help relieve arthritis pain. It is a series of information, instruction, and processes that will guide and aid recovery processes from this condition. It gives you information on how your posture, diet, lifestyle, and age can lead to arthritis development.
Arthritis is a condition that is usually accompanied by inflammation, severe pain, and joint stiffness, using this guide will help you assuage some of the distress. But before you embark on this guide, there are some things you must be willing to do; first, you must be disciplined. For a valid result, you must be ready to follow through from the first day to the last day and have a positive mindset.
Benefits of Arthritis step-by-step guide
- It provides you with essential and healthy meal plans that will aid recovery from arthritis
- It gives you an exercise routine that will help strengthen the muscle and accelerate recovery from arthritis.
- It gives professional information and advice concerning arthritis.
- It helps you develop a healthy lifestyle.
- It is a natural process and does not involve medications and some of the side effects.
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