Viking hairstyles have become quite popular thanks to the History Channel’s TV show aptly named, Vikings. While following the tale Ragnar Lothbrok’s family and ancient European history made TV fiction, many folks have decided that it wouldn’t be a bad idea to sport some of the hair looks in modern times too.
What Is A Viking Hairstyle
Viking hairstyles include what one would expect someone to have living in medieval times with only a hunting knife for a barber’s tool, and modern variations related to this concept. The style doesn’t require one to have the physique of Liam Hemsworth’s Thor, but it wouldn’t hurt the overall look being pursued.
How can I look more Viking
First off, beards are almost a natural, and not a thin, facial scrub either. These are full-on lumberjack growth beards. You could try a lot of these haircuts without a beard, but one might get confused by friends as a Lord of the Rings wood elf instead. A Viking haircut is an embodiment of masculinity and testosterone, so the beard goes hand-in-hand.
The Short Crew cut
This is probably a safer office style with a longer length on the top and back and sides shaved practically, including a slight fade from length to clipper buzzed sides.
The Slick back Viking Hairstyle
Still probably acceptable in professional circles but pushing the envelope, the top is long and sides are short but not clipper-buzzed. The long top is slicked back and kept in place with a mousse, but it could fly free on a windy day or when you don’t give a darn
A Side Swept Crew cut
This one is similar to the first but intentionally cut must be long and combed to the side. The side-swept crew cut was a very common haircut in pre-1940s European Germany.
The Topknot Viking
In this choice, you have to have long hair, to begin with. The hair is pulled tight, either knotted or tied on the back part of the top head, and then flows out from the back. Think Aqua man style from the latest movie. It's very much a gladiator/berserker style wear. The Viking ponytail option has the hair tied to the back of the head instead of the top. Braided strands on the sideburns add to the look.
The Viking Bun
Well, it is a hair bun. This isn't a haircut at all as it is more of a way to keep long hair out of the way. What makes it “Viking” quite frankly is the beard look. Otherwise, the style is just a hair knot, period.
The Viking Beard Braid
Some men just won’t grow hair on top anymore but have no problem with a beard. So, braid it. This is very much a Viking look with a shaved head and fur-lined T-shirt or vest to boot!
If you can pull it off with work and family life, Viking hairstyles can be fun, a bit socially freeing, and distinct from the typical slick and style so common today. And you don't have to be Nordic to have one.
Floki’s haircut
If you have been shaving your hair for so long like Floki and you do not know the kind of Viking haircut that would be perfect for you to try the Floki’s haircut. You have to make sure that you grow your hair and beards long enough so that when you shave the sides, you will have a perfect hairstyle that makes you look crazy.
Viking dreadlock braids
In case you are looking for the most colorful dreadlocks that will give you the Viking look, you need to think of Viking braids. You have to use braids of different colors so that you can give your hairstyle a natural look. The sides and back of the head are also required to be cut. You must be willing to invest in your time if you choose to wear braids.
Short high top undercut
This is one of the most contrasting Viking haircuts among all the haircuts that exist. This is because most of the Vikings were very long haircuts. However, others have short haircuts and they look perfect on them. Rather than the smooth fade, shaving your head on the back and sides but leaving the top hair short will be more than stylish for you.
Long hair with multi braids
Braids appear to be very common with so many hairstyles that are associated with the Vikings. Even if the hair in question is long, it can be woven to make one braid.. Whichever the case, the looks are very fantastic. To make the style more stylish, add some twists throughout your hair. This Viking hairstyle is perfect for the people who have very long hair. It is not smart with short hair.
Braided top knot with a full beard
For most of the Viking hairstyles, braids are very essential. With the braided top knot with a full beard, you must use braids too. Only the top of your head is braided and a knot tied after the crown. The sides and back of our head must be cut, but your beards should remain heavy. If you are not a fan of beards, this style is not advisable for you. This haircut can be styled in several ways and gives your hair a sleek look.
Taper fade Viking hairstyles
If you are desperate to get a Viking touch on your hair, a taper fade will give you the look you need. This haircut is perfect for you if you do not like combing your hair and is very simple to maintain.
A long giant braid
In case you have temporary tattoos on your head and you are looking for a Viking haircut that would look perfect on you, try the long giant braids. Ensure that you have long hair at the top and then twist it using the Viking braids. The several twisted braids that you form should be fed into one large braid and use elastic ties to secure the giant long braid. The sides and back need to be bald so that the tattoo can be visible. If you do not have tattoos, you can consider coming up with your temporary tattoos.
Criss-cross dreads
If you want to have an ancient but a trendy look, the best Viking haircut for you is the crisscross dreads. The criss-cross dreads are a combination of fade and mohawk which results in an asymmetric hairstyle. The sides and the back are cut cleanClassic Viking braid haircut
With the Viking braids, you can have so many very unique looks. The classic Viking braid haircut is perfect for the guys who want to braid their hair to any length. With your back and sides cut, you can style your hair as you wish.