Vusi Thembekwayo and Sizwe Dhlomo got caught up in a knock-down, drag-out twar yesterday. The pair has never seen eye-to-eye and will take any opportunity to throw jabs at each other. It all started when Vusi questioned Sizwe's claims of being a millionaire. Vusi countered that Sizwe isn't really a millionaire and needs his job as a radio host.
Vusi Thembekwayo and Sizwe Dhlomo got caught up in a knock-down, drag-out twar yesterday. The pair has never seen eye-to-eye and will take any opportunity to throw jabs at each other.
It all started when Vusi questioned Sizwe's claims of being a millionaire. Vusi countered that Sizwe isn't really a millionaire and needs his job as a radio host.
Sizwe then said Vusi has long been known to lie about his finances as well as the financial statuses of the companies he purports to control. Sizwe called Vusi out for once claiming he was sleeping in his car, but also consulting for companies that were worth R300 million at the same time. Vusi responded by highlighting Sizwe's privileged background and said that's why Sizwe doesn't understand the value of hard work and sacrifice.
Vusi tweeted, "You see, when you grow up eating cheese on Tuesday and calling the poor 'Hey nina (you lot),' you don't understand the value of hard work. But also, when you inherit things, you don't understand the simple of momentum (sic). What you work for in your struggle pays off."
| And typical Thanos style, when you asked for proof you change the subject. Sorry I’m not the rappers that you scare with lawyers letters. Kodwa if you want we can throw it down in the Octagon. Let’s see if that mouth has the hands to back it up. Winking face Goodbye my laaitie. | | | | |