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Shopify Vs Magento Vs WooCommerce – Which Is the Best Platform for ECommerce

With the COVID-19 pandemic in full force, most businesses have entered the online world. Some brands might already have a website, while some may be first-timers. Now, the big question is, ‘Which eCommerce platform to choose for your store?’ Most brands, Indian and international, choose between Shopify, Magento, and WooCommerce, depending on their requirements. These platforms are three of the most popular eCommerce solutions in the market. Put together, they run more than 2.5 million online stores!

They are popular for good reason too! They are functional, scalable, offer really nice ecommerce website designs and most importantly, they make launching your website a cakewalk even if you don’t have any prior website building experience.

That said, these platforms are also very different from each other in terms of their structure, how they get you started, and what sort of users and projects they are best suited for.

Let’s break down each platform and see which one suits your needs the best.


Launched in 2009, Shopify boasts more than 500,000 users on its platform. One of its best features is that it offers the most streamlined approach to setting up your online store. With Shopify, you won’t have to worry about finding a host or any additional software - everything comes in one package. Their high-quality hosting service includes unlimited bandwidth, a built-in CDN, and automatic site back-ups. It also handles updating and maintaining all underlying software for you. This means all you have to do is sign up for an account, choose a theme, and add your products. You can also choose a custom domain name if you wish.

The leading industries on Shopify are:

        Fashion and accessories

        Consumer goods




        Luxury goods


Brands that use Shopify



        Red bull


        KKW Beauty

        Kylie Cosmetics



Launched in 2008, Magento is a corporate-level eCommerce platform geared toward web developers and large online stores. Its long-term reliability, functionality, and scalability have made it a popular choice for larger businesses. It offers one of the most robust feature sets in the field, making it ideal for stores and brands with high aspirations.

To use the complex Magento platform, you will most likely need to hire a web development agency in India that specialises in your needs. However, the Magento core is the most powerful eCommerce platform and boasts an impressive list of features.

Leading industries on Magento:

        Manufacturers and distributors

        Multinational retailers


        Auto parts


        Food and beverage

        Health and beauty


Brands using the Magento platform:






        Christain Louboutin



Unlike its competitors, WooCommerce is an open-source WordPress Plugin. Launched in 2011, it has served over 2,000,000 users worldwide. With WooCommerce, you can run a business with the benefits of eCommerce stores accompanied by a blogging website.

WooCommerce is the most used eCommerce platform in the world. However, it is widely used by small businesses. It is an excellent platform for more straightforward projects that also want to take advantage of the great CMS that WordPress is.

Install and activate the WooCommerce plugin, add products, a shopping cart, and a checkout option, and you are good to go! As far as ease of use is concerned, it might take you some time to learn how to operate the plugin. A tip for you: Navigation is easy as the changes and operations can be done from the dashboard itself.

Strongest industries on WooCommerce



        Healthcare and biotech

        Lifestyle brands

        Content heavy sites


Brands hosting on WooCommerce:

        All Blacks




        The Wall Street Journal

        Charge Case

        Men’s Health

        Spectator shop


Questions To Ask Yourself Before Deciding


        Which platform will fit your needs?

        Which is the most flexible platform?

        Which platform supports your growth plan?

        Which one is cheaper to set up and maintain?

        Which platform is easier to use and manage?


To Conclude

All these platforms come with various features that enable businesses to build and operate online stores efficiently and sell their products.

Looking at the features, Shopify is undoubtedly the most accessible platform for beginners because you don’t need to host it or deal with maintenance. It also has excellent support and an ecosystem of easy-to-install apps. Magento is the hardest to use but has the most flexibility and built-in functionality. WooCommerce ranges somewhere between Shopify's simplicity and Magento's complexity.

There are factors like your technical skills, budget, size of store, and required features that are at play while you decide which eCommerce platform to use. However, the answer is not a definite this or that.

If you have limited technical skills and are simply looking for a quick way to launch your store with minimal fuss, go with Shopify.

If you have a large budget to play with and are looking for a powerful solution to launch an enterprise-sized store, Magento should be your choice.

If you are not afraid to explore and learn how to do things for yourself and want a solution that grows with your business without limiting its potential, WooCommerce is the way to go!

Hopefully, this has provided you with enough insight into the eCommerce world. If you find yourself needing some more guidance, you can reach out to any web design company.

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