If you have been terminated from your job for reasons that may be illegal, you may wonder if it is worth filing a lawsuit.
Wrongful termination lawsuits can last years and, in some cases, hurt the professional reputation of the person filing them. However, if you understand the law, research, and hire a reasonable attorney, you will improve your chances of winning, and a lawsuit may be worthwhile.
There are thousands of wrongful termination lawsuits filed in California every year. Although they may be commonplace, such lawsuits can result in huge rewards if well documented and handled by an attorney experienced in wrongful termination law.
What is wrongful termination?
California is an at-will state when it comes to employment law. This means that an employer can fire an employee without giving a reason. However, there are some reasons that an employer may have for firing an illegal employee.
If an employer fires you because they feel you are too old to fit into their corporate culture or if they do not like your religious preference, your sexual orientation, or the color of your skin, you may be able to sue them for discrimination.
Suppose they break a contract with you that specified employment dates. In that case, it may be considered a breach of contract. If a company fires you because you have missed work to vote or attend jury duty, they have violated public policy, and you can sue them for wrongful termination. When a company retaliates against you for turning them in for illegal activity, you may be able to sue them.
Documenting your Case
When you meet with your attorney, you should bring pay stubs, offer letters, and a termination record. You should also get statements from the parties responsible for your termination. You will want to obtain testimony from witnesses and a sworn statement of the events that led up to your firing.
The Most Successful Wrongful Termination Case in History
In 2015, the most significant wrongful termination award in history was given to a salesman who was retaliated against for blowing the whistle on his employer.
Steven Babyak, a salesman for Cardiovascular Systems Inc., reported the company for illegal kickbacks to doctors, violations of FDA rules, and violating the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, which protects stockholders and investors from accounting errors. The company raised his sales quota and took away his most valuable territories. He was awarded 25 million dollars in punitive damages.
Finding a Good Attorney
It takes a trained, qualified Las Angeles wrongful termination lawyer to prove discrimination in California. You will need an attorney with many years of experience in employment law. They should have a good reputation with the state bar and be up to date with the recent changes to California labor law.
The law firm should be staffed with a team of legal assistants who are dedicated to researching your case thoroughly and getting you the best deal possible.
Wrongful termination cases are complex to prove, but they are winnable with the right legal team on your side and a lot of preparation.