There was a time when the hospital where the child was born applied for their birth certificates. However, parents have about 21 days within when they can choose to apply for the birth certificate themselves. Since they have time and a more than a reasonable deadline, they wait for a bit and work on a couple of other requirements before beginning the
birth certificate process. If the hospital has not applied for the birth certificate themselves, the parents can handle the process either in person or through the website.
While the website does provide a faster approach to getting a birth certificate, the biggest issue that applicants face is that the general population might not be capable of handling the process through the website.
Why is the birth certificate website a better option than travelling to the office?
Fixing errors on the certificate
Other than assisting with the registration of birth certificates, the website also has a couple of other benefits. People can rectify errors and typos on their birth certificates through the website. A process that would have taken ages were it handled through any other platform. Additionally, all forms, documents, and general information about this process are put up on the website too make the process easier for the applicants.
Applying for a new certificate
Applicants can use the website to apply for a duplicate birth certificate if they misplaced the original one, which something that comes in quite handy since the office takes a couple of days to process the documentation and calls the applicant back on a different date. If this is done on the website, the applicant can get through the process without taking too much trouble, and can just go to the office on the day of collecting the certificate or ask them to mail it to their postal address.
Providing additional information
When it comes to the office, people have to call on the phone numbers to speak to a representative about the process of getting a birth certificate. They can also ask them about the documents needed for the process, but since the number is a public one, the phone lines might always be busy and getting in touch with someone can get quite challenging. Additionally, travelling to the office can take longer than most people would like since it would need another trip to submit the necessary documents.
Having someone to gather all this information through and coordinate with can get quite the blessing and would be a massive help. Get in touch with the phone numbers on the website or use the contact form to send them an email. They would get back at the soonest and provide all the information that one could need.
Currently, almost 25% of all Indian births are not registered. These children will have to live their lives without proper facts on when, how, where and what time they were born. The birth certificate website is working on reducing this number since birth certificates are the right of every Indian citizen.
What are the benefits of applying for a death certificate?
According to the Registration of Births and Deaths Act, 1969, in India, it is mandatory to register every death with the concerned State or Union Territory Government within 21 days of its occurrence. The Government has a well-defined system for the registration of a Death, with the Registrar General, at the centre and the Chief Registrars in States, running through district registrars to the village and town registrars at the periphery.
While many handle the process through the Registrars offices, they can coordinate the same online, making the process easier for people who cannot leave the house. They are also allowed to get this done at their convenience since the website is always functional.
What is the documentation needed when going through the registration process?
While the documentation might slightly vary, here is a list of the primary certificates needed to get it done.
- Proof of birth of the deceased
- An affidavit specifying the date and time of death
- A copy of the ration card
- The fee in the form of court fee stamps
Evidence of the relationship between the applicant and the deceased, along with complete address and nationality
In the case of the affidavit, the details are usually provided by a medical practitioner since they would be in the best position to provide insights into the cause and the nature of death. In some situations, this information is submitted into the police to rule out foul play and make sure that there were no other factors involved in the death.
The website might be able to provide some additional information about the process since it might vary according to the state where the individual passed away is.
Why would the family need a death certificate?
The death certificate is a legal document providing the family, the details of the death of the individual. Furthermore, it is the only document that can be used when going through any application processes as proof that a person passed away.
The process does not stop with the family of the deceased. Public health officials require
death certificate data for various statistics, including the primary causes of death. The public health policies depend heavily on the mortality data from death certificates being the primary source of information about the cause of death and illnesses preceding death.
What are the benefits of using the website?
The website has a bunch of additional features other than just registering the death of an individual which come in quite handy. These include applying for a new death certificate, making changes to a death certificate if there were any errors in them. Gathering all the information about death certificates to make the process of applying for one easier.
Interesting facts about foreign passports
There are several requirements when applying for a passport, and these are regarding the submitting of specific documents, the style and requirements, when clicking pictures, and, in general, the correct way to fill out the forms.
While all the application forms for getting a passport are available at the State level passport office, applicants have to fill them out correctly. The details added to the form have to match the supporting documents and certificates provided, otherwise, they could delay the application process. The same rules apply to the passport process when it is being done through the passport website, which needs applicants to upload scans of their supporting documents.
India currently has the third-largest number of passports issued around the world with only the United States and China having a higher number. These numbers do add up since China has a larger population than India.
What is the most convenient way to apply for and receive a passport?
With the Ministry of External Affairs improved the system for people to apply for passports and moving to an online platform, a lot more people have begun the passport application process. While Indian nationals are the only people who can apply for Indian passports, people around the world can use the website to coordinate with the passport authorities. Although the process is taken online to the greatest extent, the applicants still needed to go to the passport office to get their fingerprints scanned.
Passports are usually sent to the address mentioned in the forms, so the applicant does not have to pick them up from the office. This is only done after completing all the document checks and police verification.
Some interesting facts about country leaders and passport applications
Presidents and their immediate families are among the officials who receive diplomatic passports which allow them visa-free entry into many countries. In some countries like the United States, this is taken a step further with the President given a diplomatic passport for life, and it remains valid even once they leave the office.
The United Kingdom, on the other hand, has slightly different rules. Queen Elizabeth II does not require a passport since she issues all British passports in her name, so she just has to say that she is the Queen. However, the rest of the royal family still need one to travel abroad.
Other than adding something significant about a country on the front of the passport, a lot of countries add facts about their culture or heritage to the insides of the passports as well.
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